John 21: What Next?

HSC students breathe a sigh of relief after final exams | Daily TelegraphThe Year 12 students walk out of their last HSC exam. School’s finished! But what comes NEXT? Before long, there’s a feeling of emptiness. (Of not knowing what to do with the time now there’s no study to do.) The world has just opened up again. So many choices. One chapter closes, and another is just beginning. “WHAT NEXT?”

Or the brand new parents arrive home from the hospital with their tiny baby. They made it through pregnancy, and the delivery. But now they need to work out how to look after their baby. How to be parents. One chapter closes, and another is just beginning. What next?

And it’s the same type of feeling we get at the end of chapter 20 and into chapter 21 of John’s Gospel. What next? In one sense, the story’s FINISHED. Jesus is resurrected. He’s appeared a couple of times to the disciples, proving he’s alive. He’s promised them the Holy Spirit. And John’s able to conclude at the end of chapter 20, summing up Jesus’ life.

30 Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

All written down for US, so that we might BELIEVE in Jesus/ and HAVE LIFE.

Seems like a great place to stop. But is that THE END? Or is it only THE BEGINNING? What are the disciples supposed to do NOW? And that’s why John’s included chapter 21 for us. In some ways he COULD have finished at the end of chapter 20. But chapter 21 answers the “What next?” question.

And perhaps that’s something YOU need too. Perhaps something major’s happened. A death, or a loss of some sort. Retrenchment. Or relationship breakdown. Or perhaps even something WONDERFUL. Marriage, or children, or retirement. A major turning point that just seems to REDEFINE you. Or else shake your whole world. And you don’t know what comes next. So what am I supposed to do NOW?

And God’s answer to us, from John 21/ is the same one Jesus gave those FIRST disciples. God’s priorities for life. Here they are: Catch fish in Jesus’ strength. 2. Feed the sheep in Jesus’ love. 3. And take up your cross and follow Jesus. Simple. But at the same time, so important, it’s worth spending your whole life getting right.

  1. Catching fish in Jesus’ strength

Let’s begin. Ch 21. Jesus has appeared to the disciples twice. A week apart. Perhaps Peter and the other disciples have spent a few more days, waiting for something ELSE to happen. Waiting for Jesus to appear, and tell them what to do NEXT, and how to DO it. But there’s NOTHING. They’d spent three years just FOLLOWING. Not making any decisions about where to go, or what to do. Jesus did all of that. But now Jesus is nowhere to be found. SO WHAT NEXT? At some point, Peter says (v3), “We can’t sit around here for the rest of our lives. I’m going fishing. After all, we’ve got TO EAT!”

So that’s what they did. Seven of them. In a boat on the Sea of Tiberias, which is another name for the Sea of Galilee. It’s Peter’s home. They SHOULD be able to catch something. But they fish all night, and don’t catch anything.

Dawn’s approaching, v4. Black is turning to grey. They can just make out the shapes of trees and hills on the shore. About a hundred metres away. Then they hear a voice from the shore (v5). “Friends, haven’t you caught anything?” They make out a dark shape on the beach. “Nothing”, they grumble. “Try the OTHER side of the boat, and you’ll find some!” says the shape.

You can imagine the disciples rolling their eyes. “Everyone’s an expert!” But they DO it. It SHOULDN’T have made a difference – only a couple of metres away. But THIS time, their net’s so full of fish, they can’t haul it in. At which point, v7, John realises it must be Jesus on the shore, “It’s the LORD”.

And as soon as Peter hears that, he picks up his coat, wraps it around his waist, jumps overboard, and starts swimming to shore. This is the Peter who wanted to go fishing in the first place. And now he’s got a net full of fish, he’s not interested in PULLING THEM IN. You see, he only went fishing because JESUS wasn’t around. And now, HERE HE IS! Forget the fish, get to Jesus!

And when the boat and the disciples finally catch up to Peter, and make it to shore. There’s Peter and Jesus, next to a warm, inviting fire, with bread roasting and fish grilling. Jesus has cooked them breakfast! He asks them to bring some more fish, v10. To add to his food. So Peter runs down to the boat, v11, and helps haul in the net. And Jesus invites them, v12, to come and eat. And then he serves them, v13.

It’s both ordinary and awesome. Miraculous and mundane. The glorious, resurrected, victorious Jesus, vindicated king of heaven and earth. Unbelievable fisherman. Now squatting in the sand, stoking the coals, flipping fish fillets, and toasting bread rolls. There are echoes of washing the disciples’ feet, back in chapter 13. The Servant King, humbly serving his followers, and setting an example for them to follow.

And so, if this chapter was about JESUS, it would be a funny place to finish. It would actually be a rather weird afterthought. After all, chapter 20 has already FINISHED the stories of Jesus. They were all written down so people would believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and have life in his name.

That chapter’s FINISHED. But THIS one (ch 21), I don’t think, is primarily about Jesus. Instead, it’s about THE DISCIPLES. And here’s the point: THE STORY’S NOT OVER. In fact, the task’s ONLY JUST BEGINNING. They’re witnesses of everything that’s happened in the last three years. (Everything written in the first 20 chapters.) But now, in ch 21, they’re to KEEP FISHING.

But fishing for PEOPLE, not FISH. Keep pointing people to the miraculous signs of the first 20 chapters. So people would believe and have life. They’re to KEEP FISHING. THAT’S what’s next!

John doesn’t mention it, but back in Luke 5, we read a SIMILAR story, early in Jesus’ ministry. Also in the Sea of Galilee. It may even have been Peter’s inspiration to go fishing on THIS day. Jesus was teaching the crowds by the shore, and things were getting crowded, so he hopped into Peter’s boat, and they pushed a short distance into the water while he kept preaching. At the end of the day, he told the disciples to sail a bit further out, then to let down their nets. But Peter says, “We spent last night fishing, and didn’t catch a thing. But because it’s YOU, we’ll do it.” And when they do, there are so many fish, the nets begin to break. And it takes TWO boats to haul them in. Even then, the boats are so full they start to sink. The men are astonished, but Jesus calms them with these words (Lk 5:10) “Don’t be afraid, FROM NOW ON YOU WILL CATCH MEN.” The men pulled their boats up on the shore, left everything and FOLLOWED JESUS.

Fast forward three years, the disciples are fishing again. Perhaps even pushing into the water those same boats they’d hauled up, and left behind, years earlier. And again they’re catching nothing. And AGAIN Jesus guides them and fills their nets. And the message is, “Keep fishing. For PEOPLE. Just like I called you to do THEN. KEEP PROCLAIMING the message of life and forgiveness that comes through trusting me.

But don’t do it on your own. It won’t WORK. On your own, you’re fishing in the DARK. On your own, your nets are empty. Look to ME for strength and light and guidance. I’M the one who puts fish in nets. Without me, you won’t succeed.” He’s already TAUGHT them what that’s going to look like. When he sends his Holy Spirit to be WITH them and IN them. (That’s chapters 14-16). And, after his resurrection, he breathes on them and promises them the Holy Spirit, and the spiritual authority that comes WITH him. (That’s chapter 20 v22). He hasn’t done that YET, but when the Spirit comes he’ll change these MEN. And he’ll change THE WORLD. Which is the story the NEXT book in the Bible tells us about – ACTS.

So, when you ask the question, “What next?” The first answer Jesus gives is, “Keep doing what will ALWAYS be important: CATCH FISH, IN MY STRENGTH”.

  1. Feeding the sheep in Jesus’ love

The NEXT part of Jesus’ answer comes in his conversation with Peter. Breakfast is over. And it seems like Jesus calls Peter aside, and they go for a walk up the beach. They’ve got some business to sort out (v15). Jesus asks, “Do you truly love me more than these?” He probably means, “Do you truly love me more than these OTHER disciples love me?”

Only a few days earlier Peter had sworn he’d lay down his life for Jesus. (That’s chapter 13 v37). And then Jesus had warned him that he wasn’t so sure. That Peter would disown him three times before the night was over. Which is what had happened. How would Peter have been feeling now? Humbled, at least. And probably heart-broken, and feeling like a failure.

But Jesus knows his heart. But he wants to give Peter the opportunity to experience forgiveness. The chance to be re-affirmed and re-commissioned for the future.

“Yes, Lord,” Peter replies, “you KNOW that I love you.” And here’s Jesus’ response, “FEED MY LAMBS.” (Just like Jesus has done for the disciples).

And then twice more, in verses 16 and 17. THREE TIMES the same question and the same answer. And each time, the same response from Jesus, “Feed my lambs, look after my sheep, feed my sheep.” Three AFFIRMATIONS from Peter/ to match his three DENIALS. Before, Peter was asked three questions, and each time he DENIED Jesus. But NOW, Jesus asks him three questions, and Peter re-affirms his love and commitment. What a gracious gift from Jesus! A wonderful expression of forgiveness, and re-purposing, and renewed calling, to Peter!

His task is to feed the sheep. But notice where it BEGINS. Loving Jesus. Serving God’s people doesn’t begin with gifts, or success, or personality, or opportunity. It’s not motivated by payment, or a job description, or an annual performance review. It begins with LOVE FOR JESUS. A desire to see HIM honoured and loved. Love that responds to his love for us. (His mercy and grace and sacrifice.) And then EXPRESSING itself in loyal, consistent, reliable ACTION.

And what’s Jesus command? FEED MY SHEEP! They’re HIS sheep, so we show our love for Jesus by CARING for them. It’s THE WAY WE EXPRESS love for Jesus. Jesus’ sheep are his greatest and most precious possession. HOW great? He says back in Jn 10:15 “I am the GOOD SHEPHERD. I LAY DOWN MY LIFE for my sheep.”

Are you showing THAT sort of commitment to Jesus’ sheep? Are you giving up your LIFE for them? What are YOU giving up so the sheep might be fed, and built-up, and encouraged? Time, money, energy, emotions, possessions?

And it seems like this conversation was really significant for Peter. He took the command to heart. And gave his life to obeying it. Listen to what he wrote to the elders who read his first letter. A lesson about a motivation of love, and humble, generous shepherding. All done for the glory of Jesus. 1 Peter 5 v1.

5:1 To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ’s sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed: 2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers-not because you MUST, but because you are WILLING, as God WANTS you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; 3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. 4 And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.

Don’t be shepherds for any other reason than because God WANTS you to. And because you’re looking forward to Jesus’ reward.

You see, there are ALL SORTS OF REASONS AND MOTIVATIONS why people shepherd God’s flock. For the pay cheque. For the power and influence. To be liked and approved of. Because you don’t want to disappoint people. (And even when we ARE looking after the sheep for THE RIGHT reasons, these OTHER reasons can SNEAK IN, and STAIN our GOOD motivations.)

If Jesus had just commanded Peter, “Feed my sheep,” it would have sent the message that the JOB was what was most important, and the MOTIVATION was only SECONDARY. But by BEGINNING with the question, “Do you LOVE me?” we see what matters MOST. Our love for JESUS. Our enjoyment and appreciation of his character and his sacrifice. A desire to see his name HONOURED. A desire to PLEASE him. That’s what fuels WILLING service. EAGER service. Without it, ministry degenerates into people-pleasing, reward-seeking, power-pursuing, clock-watching. Whether you have the TITLE of minister, or NOT. What can you pray for ME, as one of the shepherds of this flock? It’s pretty simple. That I’d LOVE JESUS more. That’s what will help me feed the sheep better.

  1. Take up your cross and follow Jesus

So far we’ve seen TWO answers to the question, What next? Catch fish in his strength, and feed sheep in his love. The third answer Jesus gives/ is to take up your cross and follow him. He commands Peter for the third time to feed his sheep. And then he has A PROPHECY for him. Have a look at v18.

18 I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will STRETCH OUT YOUR HANDS, and someone else will dress you and LEAD YOU WHERE YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO.”

Which doesn’t sound like a very CLEAR prophecy. But thankfully John EXPLAINS it for us.

19 Jesus said this to indicate the kind of DEATH by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “FOLLOW me!”

In other words, his hands will be spread out on the crossbar of a cross, then he’ll be led to his crucifixion. Jesus has just commissioned Peter to SPEND his life feeding Jesus’ sheep. Now, he adds that he’ll even LOSE his life to the task. It’s why Jesus finishes the prophecy, there in v19, with the command FOLLOW ME! Follow me by IMITATING me. Obeying me. Shaping your life according to my commands and priorities.

This is John’s version of something Jesus says in each of the OTHER gospels. Like Matthew 16 v24 “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and TAKE UP HIS CROSS and FOLLOW me. 25 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.

Those who follow Jesus must be willing to follow him EVEN TO DEATH. Giving EVERYTHING as Jesus gave everything. Just like he’d said to the disciples right back at the beginning. Back in Ch 1 v43, Jesus is leaving Bethany, where John was baptising, and was heading to Galilee, and he finds Phillip as says, FOLLOW ME. And he DOES, as does Andrew and Peter and Nathanael and John. And they KEEP following him. And now, at the END of the Gospel, Peter’s challenged to follow Jesus ALL THE WAY TO HIS DEATH.

According to Eusebius, who wrote The Church History in the fourth century, Peter was crucified under the Roman Emperor Nero around AD 65. And he requested to be crucified UPSIDE DOWN, because he felt unworthy to die the same way as his Saviour.

What will FOLLOWING Jesus look like FOR YOU? It MAY mean DEATH. It certainly has for thousands, even millions, of Jesus’ followers down through history. And, if anything persecution’s growing more intense. There’s a widely believed estimate that more Christians have been martyred in the 20th century than in the previous 19 centuries COMBINED! Praise God, it looks unlikely that things will get that bad in Australia. But what will taking up your cross look like FOR YOU? It will mean something UNIQUE. No other follower of Jesus is in your position, with your gifts, your opportunities, your challenges, your temptations. It will cost you SOMETHING. Money, time, emotional energy. It will take COURAGE, and TRUST. It will take COSTLY COMMITMENT, it will take LOVE, and ENERGY, and HUMBLE SERVICE.

It might be something in CHURCH. Perhaps helping with our ESL ministry, or KCentral holiday kids club, or being part of the Welcoming Team, with Neale. It might be in your street, or in your family, in your workplace, or your uni, or in your holidays. It might be in Australia or overseas.

But not just INDIVIDUALLY, there’s a message for us AS A CHURCH from this chapter. All sorts of good things we can do as a church. But we can’t lose sight of these three: Catch fish, feed sheep, take up your cross. Our VISION needs to reflect these. Our mission. Our priorities. Our calendar, our list of activities, our prayer points, our budget. All the decisions we make about how to spend our time and energy. Are they helping us to catch fish in Jesus’ strength? And feed sheep in Jesus’ love? And take up our cross in humble sacrifice to follow him?

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