Tag Archives: jesus

John 1:1-18: The Word was light

How well do you receive correction? Do you WELCOME it? Or is your first reaction to get defensive? To make excuses? Does your attitude depend on WHO’S GIVING the correction? Probably, you’re more likely to listen to supporters. And less likely to listen to critics. What about people CLOSEST to you? That’s tricky, isn’t it? Because family know exactly what buttons to push. And there’s often history of little annoying things that can be blown out of proportion. Or else, things that are NEVER talked about, and resentment builds until it BLOWS UP.

But what about when GOD gives you advice? When he sends LIGHT – to guide and purify. How do you receive it? How SHOULD you receive it? Do you WELCOME it? Or REJECT it? That’s the question in today’s passage. We’re continuing a short series looking at the introduction to John’s Gospel. (Verses 1-18 of chapter 1.) We meet someone called “THE WORD”. God’s personal communication to us. It’s not until we get to v17 that we find out it’s JESUS.

Last week we looked at v1-2. (That in the beginning, the Word was WITH God, and WAS God (v1). He’s existed from all eternity.)

The light of men

This week and next we look at v4-5.

4 In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

TODAY I’ll focus on “the Word was LIGHT”. Next week Danny will help us think about “the Word was LIFE.”

Verse 4 begins, “IN HIM WAS LIFE.” He’s alive. But more than that – he GIVES life. To PEOPLE, to THE WORLD. He’s the SOURCE of life. He’s so FULL of life, it flows OUT of him, and gives life to everything. (Verse 3 has already described how everything was made THROUGH him).

And then we read “and that life was the light of men.” It’s a simple phrase, but it’s meaning is surprisingly tricky to understand. Firstly, “in him was LIFE” could refer to the life Jesus HIMSELF lives – his earthly life. Or it could refer to the life Jesus GIVES TO OTHERS. Secondly, “light of men”. It’s not referring to LITERAL light. It’s a METAPHOR.

LIGHT represents two ideas. And they’re CONNECTED. One is to do with information and guidance. Like a car headlight or a lighthouse. It shows the way. Guides and directs. When someone EXPLAINS something, we says they ENLIGHTEN us. The OTHER idea is to do with good and evil. Light is about purity and truth. Darkness is about sin, shame, and guilt.

John doesn’t explain what he means because this is just his introduction. The REST of the book will expand on the idea. But I also suspect that he’s making connections with the Old Testament book of Isaiah. And he expects us to RECOGNISE them. Because Isaiah has lots of references to LIGHT. In chapter 9 God promises

2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death A LIGHT HAS DAWNED… 6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.

God promises to send A LIGHT – someone who would bring in, and rule, a kingdom of peace and stability and justice.

And then in chapter 42 God introduces us to HIS SERVANT.

1 “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and HE WILL BRING JUSTICE to the nations…6 “I, the LORD , have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people AND A LIGHT FOR THE GENTILES, 7 to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.


And the result will be A PEOPLE whose life is full of goodness and light. Like in chapter 58, God describes the lifestyle that pleases him.

6 “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? 7 Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter- when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? 8 THEN YOUR LIGHT WILL BREAK FORTH LIKE THE DAWN…, “If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk, 10 and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, THEN YOUR LIGHT WILL RISE IN THE DARKNESS, and your night will become like the noonday. 11 The LORD will GUIDE you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land

All of these passages, and more, are SUMMARISED by verse 4 of John chapter 1: “In him was life, and that life was the light of men.” It means something like this: Jesus’ earthly life is full of rich insight and goodness and justice and compassion. And he offers that type of life to those who FOLLOW him. (He LEADS them into it). A combination of consciousness and conscience. Perception and ethics. A kingdom of right thinking and right living.

Light shines in the darkness

That’s what Jesus came to do. What a wonderful picture that would be if that’s the way it happened. But v5 describes THE REALITY.

5 The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

Jesus CAME. The light DAWNED. He lived and taught and guided people. But humanity, whose basic nature is DARKNESS, wasn’t interested. They didn’t want to be guided towards life and love and joy. Like cockroaches who scurry under the fridge when you turn on the kitchen light. That’s what people did when Jesus walked the earth. And they have the same reaction to him TODAY.

A bit further on, Ch 3 v19 describes that natural human response

19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.

Men loved darkness. In July, 1977, a series of lightning strikes caused a city-wide blackout across New York. When the lights finally came on 25 hours later, arsonists had set more than 1000 fires, and looters had ransacked 1600 stores. The New York Post reported that the streets had become a battleground, with even the looters being mugged. Many of them, normal law-abiding citizens, used the darkness as the opportunity to do what their hearts WANTED. Normally, in the light, they wouldn’t THINK of acting like that. Time magazine began an article on the event with this: “It was a crisis of light, and of darkness—the kind of event that brings out the best and the worst in people.” That’s what it means when it says that men love darkness because their deeds are EVIL. LITERAL darkness hides the darkness of their deeds and desires and natures. And that means they HATE LIGHT (That’s v20 of Ch 3). Because it EXPOSES them. They don’t want ANYONE seeing what they’re really like, let alone JESUS.

The foolishness of that choice is seen as we read on in Ch 1. In v9, we find out more about the light.

9 The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.

Jesus is not just A light. (ONE source of light among many. One choice among many on the religious menu). But the TRUE light. The GENUINE light. The light on which all others are MODELLED. All other expressions of the truth flow out of, or contain PART of, the TRUE light.

And Jesus’ light isn’t just A TWINKLE. A candle. (An out-dated, culture-bound, context-dependent guide). But the true light who gives light to EVERY MAN. From every age, and every situation. Every language or culture. He’s ALWAYS relevant. ALWAYS appropriate. ALWAYS beneficial.

Because he MADE us, he knows us BEST. He knows us from the OUTSIDE – from the perspective of eternity. Like the author knows every paragraph of his novel. And the sculptor knows every curve and line of her sculpture. And the inventor knows every gear and circuit. (He’s the TRUE light who gives light to EVERY man).

And HOW did he give that light to everyone? By COMING INTO THE WORLD. He didn’t give us light by sending an email, or flipping a switch from heaven. But by stepping out of eternity, and into time. By coming from heaven to earth. By putting aside his heavenly throne, and putting on FLESH. By putting down the author’s pen, and jumping into the pages of the novel. By putting down the paintbrush, and diving into the painting. Which means he gives true light, not just as the CREATOR, but as the one who’s LIVED it. He knows us from the INSIDE, as well as the OUTSIDE – because he’s experienced EVERYTHING we’ve ever been through. Every temptation and sorrow. Every trial and joy.

The true light CAME INTO THE WORLD. But the bitter irony is that the One who’d created it all was IGNORED by that very creation. V10.

10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.

Like the TV show Undercover Boss. The owner of the company puts on a disguise and comes to visit his employees. He’s established everything in the company. (Copyrighted the name. Registered the business. Built the product line and the markets). He’s hired them and pays them. But they don’t recognise him. They treat him like any other employee.

But it’s worse than that with Jesus. Not only don’t they RECOGNISE him. They DON’T RECEIVE him. They REJECT him. They throw him off his own property, and change the locks. Because darkness HATES light. (The light shone in the darkness, but the darkness didn’t understand it.)

But to all who received him

Which is all fairly depressing. But it isn’t the FULL PICTURE! V12 points out that there’s light in the midst of the darkness.

12 Yet to all who RECEIVED him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God-

Every person who becomes a Christian comes to a turning point. A moment of decision. BEFORE, they think they’re FINE. They’re happy with life, comfortable with their own ability to make decisions. Wandering around in darkness. But at some point, they recognise their SIN. (The darkness of their own hearts. And their HOPELESSNESS and HELPLESSNESS and LOSTNESS.) They realise they need LIGHT. Guidance, direction, goodness, restoration. And so they reach out for THE LIGHT OF JESUS. Who speaks TRUTH about life and death, about sin and forgiveness. And they RECEIVE that light. They BELIEVE IN HIS NAME. They trust his authority to speak on God’s behalf.

And then Jesus AUTHORISES them to become children of God. He stamps their visa. Processes the adoption papers. And welcomes them into the family. It’s HIS initiative. People can’t EARN it, or QUALIFY for it. It’s a gift from Jesus.

Light of the world

And it’s a gift big enough FOR EVERYONE to share. Over in chapter 8 Jesus is in the temple, and he announces to those who are there. (Ch 8 v12),

“I am THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

He announces that he’s the One God promised in Isaiah. Who’d be A LIGHT TO THE GENTILES. Not just Jews. Not just those alive at the time. But across all ages, and all cultures, and all languages.

Follow the light. Let him shine on your darkness. Let him guide you, in your blindness. In the foolishness of chasing after things that disappoint and destroy. FOLLOW him, and you’ll never walk in darkness. You’ll have the LIGHT of LIFE. The information that leads you to TRUE life. ABSOLUTE, ULTIMATE, MAXIMUM life. Life with JOY and purpose and perspective.

What’s that going to LOOK LIKE? To follow the light of the world? To have the light of life? Let me give you THREE ways.

Walk in the light

First. Walk in the light. FOLLOW – IMITATE –Jesus, the light of the world. Jesus loved his disciples TO THE END (John 13:1), then washed their feet giving them an example to follow. And he commanded US to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, so that everyone would know that we are his disciples (John 13:34-35). In 1 John 2 v8 it says

8 Yet I am writing you a new command; its truth is seen in him and you, because the darkness is passing and THE TRUE LIGHT IS ALREADY SHINING. 9 Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness. 10 WHOEVER LOVES HIS BROTHER LIVES IN THE LIGHT, and there is nothing in him to make him stumble. 11 But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness; he does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded him.

Love for your brother means BEING INVOLVED. In church, in home group. Praying for him. Listening to him. Serving him. Get your hands dirty! Hatred doesn’t need to look like anger. It can look like INDIFFERENCE. It can look like arriving at church LATE, and leaving EARLY. Or only coming when you don’t have a better offer.

Following Jesus has to LOOK like something. It should COST you something. Your life has to be measurably DIFFERENT from your work colleagues or friends who don’t know Jesus. If it DOESN’T, then maybe your claim to be in light is A LIE. God has no interest in HYPOCRITES. In people who CLAIM to be in the light, but hate their brother.

Shine your light

And the SECOND thing we should do is to shine a little light of our own. When we WALK in the light, then PEOPLE WILL NOTICE. They’ll RECOGNISE we’re Jesus ‘ disciples. In Matthew 5 Jesus said (v14) “You are the light of the world… Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” REFLECT the light of the world. By being light to those around you. Because they’re walking in darkness.

Don’t give up

And the third thing we should do is NOT GIVE UP. Those first two commands are challenging, aren’t they? To genuinely love our brothers? To provide a consistent witness to the world? Because we all know that we’re weak, and we fail. And we don’t love as we should. Or shine our light as consistently as we should.

But it’s not about you. It’s about Jesus, the glorious light of the world who shone his light into your heart. Even if the world is DARK, and wants nothing to DO with him. Take heart in Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 4. Living for Jesus IS TOUGH. In v4 he says

4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

But, by contrast, v6.

6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

God has done a work of CREATION in our hearts. We’re not yet who we will be. But we’re also not what we once were. Jesus, the true light from God, has shone onto us. And we’ve RECEIVED and BELIEVED in him. And God’s power is at work in us. V7

7 But we have this treasure IN JARS OF CLAY to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

And, so even when life is difficult, we don’t give up.

16 Therefore WE DO NOT LOSE HEART. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

The God who spoke the sun, moon and stars into existence is working his power in your life – shining his light. As you follow Jesus, your Saviour and Lord, the light of the world. So walk in his light as you love the brothers. Shine your light for the world to see. And don’t give up.

John 1:1-18: The Word was God

A DESIRE TO KNOW GOD. It’s something shared by people across all ages and cultures and religions and philosophies. (A common feeling that there’s something, or someone, outside the world we know – beyond what we can recognise with our senses. And a longing to EXPERIENCE that.)

Of course, there are many different opinions about WHAT GOD IS LIKE. And how you can KNOW him. Through following rituals, or keeping a moral code. By offering sacrifices. Or spiritual experiences like meditation or silence or contemplation or prayer. In other religions, taking drugs or having sex or even fighting battles are ways to access the spiritual world. All of these are humanity’s efforts to approach God.

But what sets Christianity apart is that God has approached US. He’s communicated with us. And come close. And so we can KNOW him. And so, we can live the life he’s DESIGNED for us. With purpose and contentment. Without the uncertainty or confusion or mistakes.

That’s the message of John’s Gospel. And especially the introduction – verses 1 to 18 of chapter 1. (We’re going to spend the next three weeks thinking about these verses.)

We’re introduced to someone who’s not named. All we know is his TITLE. “THE WORD.” It’s a title like KING, or JUDGE, or DOCTOR. But it’s MORE than that. It’s A DESCRIPTION OF WHAT HE DOES. So it’s more like a superhero name. “The Flash” obviously he’s QUICK. The Hulk – he’s BIG. And “Spiderman”  – he does whatever a spider can. And The Word… COMMUNICATES. THE WORD moves from the SENDER to the RECEIVER, and REVEALS SOMETHING about the sender. By the time we get down to v17 we realise it’s JESUS. And while the other gospels gradually reveal that Jesus has come from God, John tells us the secret from the very first sentence. Look at v1.

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Such simple words. But they describe profound mysteries. First, where did the Word COME FROM? Everything has a beginning. Except for GOD. And, it seems, except for THE WORD. In the beginning the word… JUST WAS. He’s ETERNAL. He wasn’t MADE, he didn’t appear, or was born. He just WAS. You might hear people say, “I was there when they opened the Sydney Harbour Bridge, or the Opera House, or when man first walked on the moon in 1969.” It shows you’ve been around for a while. Well, how about, “I was there when Sydney Harbour was first carved out of the earth.” And “I was there when the moon and all the stars were put in place.” That’s Jesus. He’s ALWAYS BEEN.

Second mystery. What’s the Word’s relationship to God? On the one hand, the Word was WITH God – beside, facing, or near God. But ALSO, the Word WAS God. (Of one SUBSTANCE). It seems impossible. A contradiction. Somehow, the Word is both SEPARATE from God, and the SAME as God. It’s not EXPLAINED. It’s just STATED. Then v3 adds some MORE information.

3 THROUGH him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

He’s an agent of creation. God made everything THROUGH him. BY MEANS of him. Later generations will put together all the clues from across the Bible. And name this relationship THE TRINITY. That God is one God, but three PERSONS. Or identities. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each person is FULLY God, not LESS than God. Together they make ONE God, not three. God is THREE in ONE. That comes LATER. But at THIS point that reality is described simply as “the Word was WITH God. And the Word WAS God. And God made all things THROUGH the Word.”

At which point Jewish readers would be reminded of Genesis chapter 1. Where in the beginning God SPOKE and things CAME INTO EXISTENCE. “God said Let there be LIGHT. And THERE WAS.” God’s word had HIS POWER TO CREATE. His word is both PART of him, and SEPARATE from him. And is the AGENT of creation.

I think that’s why John chose the title THE WORD. Because it’s a metaphor, a picture, that shows the relationship between Jesus and God. In some ways SEPARATE, and in other ways THE SAME.

Verses 1-3 describe what happens OUTSIDE of history. Or at the START of history. But from v4 we learn what happens IN HISTORY. How The Word RELATES to the world he helped create. V4 says

4 In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

He didn’t just START the world – he SUSTAINS it. He’s it’s ongoing source of LIFE. And he shines LIGHT on the world. Which is about providing goodness and guidance and life.

But here’s the complication: v5. The world is DARK. And it doesn’t RECEIVE, or UNDERSTAND, or WELCOME the light. There’s some sort of rejection, or opposition. It’s all fairly abstract and distant. It’s hard to understand exactly what’s being described. But it gets more concrete and personal as we keep reading. Jump down to v9.

9 The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

The Word came into the world. SOME people recognised him, but MOST DIDN’T. They SHOULD have. After all the world had been made THROUGH him. He was RESPONSIBLE for it – it BELONGED to him. But those who DID recognise him. Who WELCOMED him. He authorised them to become children of God. As someone closely connected to God, he WELCOMED them into a close connection to God TOO.

Then we come to v14. Which is really the HIGHLIGHT of this section. And it describes most clearly how we can see and know God.

14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

The Word wrapped himself in skin, bones, hair and blood. Complete with tears and sweat. Sneezes and skinned knees. Willingly chose the limitations of a frail human body. God, the Creator of the universe, has stepped out of heaven, and into his story. The infinite, eternal Spirit bound himself to time and space. Lowered himself to our level. We call it THE INCARNATION. Which just means “became flesh”. God became man.

It’s almost too incredible to imagine. Or understand. But for those of you who know your Old Testament, there’s a number of HINTS here in v14. Hints that can help us begin to understand this mind-blowing truth. There are echoes of God appearing among his people in the Exodus. As they left Egypt and walked through the wilderness. The word for DWELT is related to “TABERNACLE” – the tent Moses built for God. And to “see his glory” is what the Israelites did, when GOD’S glory appeared, like a cloud or a pillar of fire, over the tent. But Jesus is God’s ultimate, complete, absolute GLORY. His visible self-revelation. And Jesus being FULL OF GRACE AND TRUTH echoes God’s description of himself to Moses on Mount Sinai that he’s ABOUNDING IN LOVE AND FAITHFULNESS.

All those events, as wonderful as they were, are just pointers and appetisers for the ULTIMATE appearing of God among his people. When Jesus pitches his tent. Not among one nation in a desert. But among one HUMANITY on a whole PLANET. And reveals himself as God’s glory for people to see. When the Creator, who stands apart from his creation, stepped INTO it, so we can KNOW him.

Alfred Hitchcock is famous for making brilliant movies. He’s ALSO famous for making small appearances in his own movies. Cameos. For a brief second, he’d step out from behind the camera to be PART OF THE STORY he was telling. The Creator steps into his creation. His fans love to study his movies to identify him. *Missing a bus during the opening credits of “North by North West”.  *Sitting next to Cary Grant on a bus in “To Catch a Thief”. *Sitting with a child on his lap in a hotel foyer in “Torn Curtain”. *He’s even the “Before” and “after” photos in a weight loss ad in a newspaper. 37 appearances identified so far in nearly 50 years of movies. The creator enters his creation. Which is what JESUS did.

For Alfred Hitchcock, it’s cute. And it happened MANY TIMES. But it’s largely IRRELEVANT TO THE STORY. But when GOD did it, in the person of Jesus, he did it ONCE ONLY, and it CHANGED THE FACE OF HUMAN HISTORY.

That’s v14. It INTRODUCES the idea that God walked among us, so we could see him and know him. And as we keep reading, we find plenty of evidence that JESUS HIMSELF understands that he’s God, come in the flesh.

In Ch 3 v12, talking to Nicodemus, he says

12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? 13 No one has ever gone into heaven except THE ONE WHO CAME FROM HEAVEN-the Son of Man.

That’s Jesus. The WORD, who COMES FROM HEAVEN, and communicates heavenly things. A similar idea is in John 6:46

46 No one has seen the Father except THE ONE WHO IS FROM GOD; only he has SEEN THE FATHER.

Because he COMES from God, he’s the only one who’s SEEN him. In 8:58, Jesus reveals something of his understanding of being ETERNALLY with the Father.

56 Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.”

57 “You are not yet fifty years old,” the Jews said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!”

58 “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

Always existing. Always with God. But more than that, the only one who can INTRODUCE people to God. 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

But he’s more than a prophet who’s seen and known God. Or a priest who stands in between God and man. He’s somehow EQUAL with God. To see JESUS is to see GOD. In 14:9 he says

Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father

And similarly, to KNOW Jesus, is to know GOD. 8:19 “You do not know me or my Father,” Jesus replied. “If you knew me, you would know my Father also.”

And probably the clearest of all. Jn 10:30 “The Father and I are one.”

And by the time we get to Ch 20 v28, Thomas sees the resurrected Jesus, and exclaims, “My Lord and my God.” And Jesus ACCEPTS the worship. He bows before GOD IN THE FLESH.

Jesus is fully God, AND fully man. More than God INDWELLING a good man. More than God LOOKING LIKE a man. But God BECOMING a man. Jesus, both God AND man.

Let’s finish our quick tour of John’s Gospel by returning to the opening section. And chapter 1 v16-18.

16 From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, , who is at the Father’s side, has made him known.

If there was ANYONE who was thought to have seen God – it was Moses. At Mt Sinai God put him in the cleft of a rock, and then passed by, so Moses saw his glory. And we’re told that Moses spoke with God face-to-face. And when he came down from the mountain, his face SHONE, so the people couldn’t look at him. But EVEN MOSES never saw God. But WE’RE EVEN MORE PRIVILEGED THAN MOSES. Because God has come near. God the one and only, or only begotten, who is at the Father’s side. (that’s Jesus) has MADE HIM KNOWN. He’s EXPLAINED, or given a detailed report about, HIM. A personal explanation. V16 says from his fullness we’ve all received one blessing after another. Or GRACE PILED ON TOP OF GRACE.

We’ve received MORE GRACE than Moses. Because we can meet JESUS. He’s God the one and only Son. We can KNOW GOD through him. Know him, see him, experience him, understand him BETTER THAN MOSES DID.

So what?

So what should we do in response? Because you HAVE to do SOMETHING with an act like that. To do NOTHING is an insult. It diminishes its importance.

1. Accept

First. ACCEPT. God’s reached out to you. He’s COME NEAR. Accept the approach. Many people DON’T. (V5 says that the darkness has NOT UNDERSTOOD the light. V10 says that the world did not RECOGNISE the light. V11 says his own people did not RECEIVE him.) Don’t let that be you.

Instead, v12 says to RECEIVE him. BELIEVE IN HIS NAME. Become a child of God. And, v14, SEE HIS GLORY. And, v16, RECEIVE HIS BLESSINGS. And, v18, KNOW THE FATHER. If you’ve already DONE that. What ELSE?

2. Be comforted.

Second, BE COMFORTED. Because Jesus is fully MAN, it means he fully understands you. And because he’s fully God, he’s got the power to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Hebrews 4:15 says

15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have ONE WHO HAS BEEN TEMPTED IN EVERY WAY, JUST AS WE ARE-yet was without sin.

Be comforted because Jesus understands the human condition MORE than you. He experienced far greater temptation than you, but never gave in. He knows what you go through. And he presents that experience to his Father, with SYMPATHY for us.

3. Be confident

Which means, thirdly, that we should BE CONFIDENT. Hebrews 4:16 continues.

16 Let us then approach the throne of grace with CONFIDENCE, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

We can trust that we’ll be treated favourably by the Father, because the Son is saying to him, “I understand. I know. Show them mercy and grace.”

4. Reflect the incarnation.

Fourthly, we respond to the incarnation by SHARING IN THE INCARNATION. By following the example of Jesus in the way we minister to others. Jesus was not aloof. He gave up everything. He got his hands dirty. He didn’t just SPEAK FROM HEAVEN. He lived AMONG us. And he calls us to do the same.

In Mark 10:43-45 he says

Whoever wants to become great among you must be your SERVANT, 44 and whoever wants to be first must be SLAVE OF ALL. 45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

And in John 13, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and said,

14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.

Incarnational ministry means getting your hands dirty. Sharing your LIFE with people. Becoming LIKE them. Are you looking to SERVE? Or are you expecting to BE served? Respond to the incarnation by being a servant to all like Jesus.

Jesus is the GLORY of God – his visible presence. If you’ve SEEN the glory of God in Jesus, then he calls you to BE the glory. To be the visible presence of God in the world. In John 15 Jesus promises the disciples

7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. 8 THIS IS TO MY FATHER’S GLORY, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

In the beginning was the WORD and the word was WITH GOD and the Word WAS God. The Word became FLESH and DWELT among us. We’ve seen God’s glory.

Accept it. Be comforted by it. Be CONFIDENT in it. And REFLECT it. So that OTHERS would do the same.

John 21: What Next?

HSC students breathe a sigh of relief after final exams | Daily TelegraphThe Year 12 students walk out of their last HSC exam. School’s finished! But what comes NEXT? Before long, there’s a feeling of emptiness. (Of not knowing what to do with the time now there’s no study to do.) The world has just opened up again. So many choices. One chapter closes, and another is just beginning. “WHAT NEXT?”

Or the brand new parents arrive home from the hospital with their tiny baby. They made it through pregnancy, and the delivery. But now they need to work out how to look after their baby. How to be parents. One chapter closes, and another is just beginning. What next?

And it’s the same type of feeling we get at the end of chapter 20 and into chapter 21 of John’s Gospel. What next? In one sense, the story’s FINISHED. Jesus is resurrected. He’s appeared a couple of times to the disciples, proving he’s alive. He’s promised them the Holy Spirit. And John’s able to conclude at the end of chapter 20, summing up Jesus’ life.

30 Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

All written down for US, so that we might BELIEVE in Jesus/ and HAVE LIFE.

Seems like a great place to stop. But is that THE END? Or is it only THE BEGINNING? What are the disciples supposed to do NOW? And that’s why John’s included chapter 21 for us. In some ways he COULD have finished at the end of chapter 20. But chapter 21 answers the “What next?” question.

And perhaps that’s something YOU need too. Perhaps something major’s happened. A death, or a loss of some sort. Retrenchment. Or relationship breakdown. Or perhaps even something WONDERFUL. Marriage, or children, or retirement. A major turning point that just seems to REDEFINE you. Or else shake your whole world. And you don’t know what comes next. So what am I supposed to do NOW?

And God’s answer to us, from John 21/ is the same one Jesus gave those FIRST disciples. God’s priorities for life. Here they are: Catch fish in Jesus’ strength. 2. Feed the sheep in Jesus’ love. 3. And take up your cross and follow Jesus. Simple. But at the same time, so important, it’s worth spending your whole life getting right.

  1. Catching fish in Jesus’ strength

Let’s begin. Ch 21. Jesus has appeared to the disciples twice. A week apart. Perhaps Peter and the other disciples have spent a few more days, waiting for something ELSE to happen. Waiting for Jesus to appear, and tell them what to do NEXT, and how to DO it. But there’s NOTHING. They’d spent three years just FOLLOWING. Not making any decisions about where to go, or what to do. Jesus did all of that. But now Jesus is nowhere to be found. SO WHAT NEXT? At some point, Peter says (v3), “We can’t sit around here for the rest of our lives. I’m going fishing. After all, we’ve got TO EAT!”

So that’s what they did. Seven of them. In a boat on the Sea of Tiberias, which is another name for the Sea of Galilee. It’s Peter’s home. They SHOULD be able to catch something. But they fish all night, and don’t catch anything.

Dawn’s approaching, v4. Black is turning to grey. They can just make out the shapes of trees and hills on the shore. About a hundred metres away. Then they hear a voice from the shore (v5). “Friends, haven’t you caught anything?” They make out a dark shape on the beach. “Nothing”, they grumble. “Try the OTHER side of the boat, and you’ll find some!” says the shape.

You can imagine the disciples rolling their eyes. “Everyone’s an expert!” But they DO it. It SHOULDN’T have made a difference – only a couple of metres away. But THIS time, their net’s so full of fish, they can’t haul it in. At which point, v7, John realises it must be Jesus on the shore, “It’s the LORD”.

And as soon as Peter hears that, he picks up his coat, wraps it around his waist, jumps overboard, and starts swimming to shore. This is the Peter who wanted to go fishing in the first place. And now he’s got a net full of fish, he’s not interested in PULLING THEM IN. You see, he only went fishing because JESUS wasn’t around. And now, HERE HE IS! Forget the fish, get to Jesus!

And when the boat and the disciples finally catch up to Peter, and make it to shore. There’s Peter and Jesus, next to a warm, inviting fire, with bread roasting and fish grilling. Jesus has cooked them breakfast! He asks them to bring some more fish, v10. To add to his food. So Peter runs down to the boat, v11, and helps haul in the net. And Jesus invites them, v12, to come and eat. And then he serves them, v13.

It’s both ordinary and awesome. Miraculous and mundane. The glorious, resurrected, victorious Jesus, vindicated king of heaven and earth. Unbelievable fisherman. Now squatting in the sand, stoking the coals, flipping fish fillets, and toasting bread rolls. There are echoes of washing the disciples’ feet, back in chapter 13. The Servant King, humbly serving his followers, and setting an example for them to follow.

And so, if this chapter was about JESUS, it would be a funny place to finish. It would actually be a rather weird afterthought. After all, chapter 20 has already FINISHED the stories of Jesus. They were all written down so people would believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and have life in his name.

That chapter’s FINISHED. But THIS one (ch 21), I don’t think, is primarily about Jesus. Instead, it’s about THE DISCIPLES. And here’s the point: THE STORY’S NOT OVER. In fact, the task’s ONLY JUST BEGINNING. They’re witnesses of everything that’s happened in the last three years. (Everything written in the first 20 chapters.) But now, in ch 21, they’re to KEEP FISHING.

But fishing for PEOPLE, not FISH. Keep pointing people to the miraculous signs of the first 20 chapters. So people would believe and have life. They’re to KEEP FISHING. THAT’S what’s next!

John doesn’t mention it, but back in Luke 5, we read a SIMILAR story, early in Jesus’ ministry. Also in the Sea of Galilee. It may even have been Peter’s inspiration to go fishing on THIS day. Jesus was teaching the crowds by the shore, and things were getting crowded, so he hopped into Peter’s boat, and they pushed a short distance into the water while he kept preaching. At the end of the day, he told the disciples to sail a bit further out, then to let down their nets. But Peter says, “We spent last night fishing, and didn’t catch a thing. But because it’s YOU, we’ll do it.” And when they do, there are so many fish, the nets begin to break. And it takes TWO boats to haul them in. Even then, the boats are so full they start to sink. The men are astonished, but Jesus calms them with these words (Lk 5:10) “Don’t be afraid, FROM NOW ON YOU WILL CATCH MEN.” The men pulled their boats up on the shore, left everything and FOLLOWED JESUS.

Fast forward three years, the disciples are fishing again. Perhaps even pushing into the water those same boats they’d hauled up, and left behind, years earlier. And again they’re catching nothing. And AGAIN Jesus guides them and fills their nets. And the message is, “Keep fishing. For PEOPLE. Just like I called you to do THEN. KEEP PROCLAIMING the message of life and forgiveness that comes through trusting me.

But don’t do it on your own. It won’t WORK. On your own, you’re fishing in the DARK. On your own, your nets are empty. Look to ME for strength and light and guidance. I’M the one who puts fish in nets. Without me, you won’t succeed.” He’s already TAUGHT them what that’s going to look like. When he sends his Holy Spirit to be WITH them and IN them. (That’s chapters 14-16). And, after his resurrection, he breathes on them and promises them the Holy Spirit, and the spiritual authority that comes WITH him. (That’s chapter 20 v22). He hasn’t done that YET, but when the Spirit comes he’ll change these MEN. And he’ll change THE WORLD. Which is the story the NEXT book in the Bible tells us about – ACTS.

So, when you ask the question, “What next?” The first answer Jesus gives is, “Keep doing what will ALWAYS be important: CATCH FISH, IN MY STRENGTH”.

  1. Feeding the sheep in Jesus’ love

The NEXT part of Jesus’ answer comes in his conversation with Peter. Breakfast is over. And it seems like Jesus calls Peter aside, and they go for a walk up the beach. They’ve got some business to sort out (v15). Jesus asks, “Do you truly love me more than these?” He probably means, “Do you truly love me more than these OTHER disciples love me?”

Only a few days earlier Peter had sworn he’d lay down his life for Jesus. (That’s chapter 13 v37). And then Jesus had warned him that he wasn’t so sure. That Peter would disown him three times before the night was over. Which is what had happened. How would Peter have been feeling now? Humbled, at least. And probably heart-broken, and feeling like a failure.

But Jesus knows his heart. But he wants to give Peter the opportunity to experience forgiveness. The chance to be re-affirmed and re-commissioned for the future.

“Yes, Lord,” Peter replies, “you KNOW that I love you.” And here’s Jesus’ response, “FEED MY LAMBS.” (Just like Jesus has done for the disciples).

And then twice more, in verses 16 and 17. THREE TIMES the same question and the same answer. And each time, the same response from Jesus, “Feed my lambs, look after my sheep, feed my sheep.” Three AFFIRMATIONS from Peter/ to match his three DENIALS. Before, Peter was asked three questions, and each time he DENIED Jesus. But NOW, Jesus asks him three questions, and Peter re-affirms his love and commitment. What a gracious gift from Jesus! A wonderful expression of forgiveness, and re-purposing, and renewed calling, to Peter!

His task is to feed the sheep. But notice where it BEGINS. Loving Jesus. Serving God’s people doesn’t begin with gifts, or success, or personality, or opportunity. It’s not motivated by payment, or a job description, or an annual performance review. It begins with LOVE FOR JESUS. A desire to see HIM honoured and loved. Love that responds to his love for us. (His mercy and grace and sacrifice.) And then EXPRESSING itself in loyal, consistent, reliable ACTION.

And what’s Jesus command? FEED MY SHEEP! They’re HIS sheep, so we show our love for Jesus by CARING for them. It’s THE WAY WE EXPRESS love for Jesus. Jesus’ sheep are his greatest and most precious possession. HOW great? He says back in Jn 10:15 “I am the GOOD SHEPHERD. I LAY DOWN MY LIFE for my sheep.”

Are you showing THAT sort of commitment to Jesus’ sheep? Are you giving up your LIFE for them? What are YOU giving up so the sheep might be fed, and built-up, and encouraged? Time, money, energy, emotions, possessions?

And it seems like this conversation was really significant for Peter. He took the command to heart. And gave his life to obeying it. Listen to what he wrote to the elders who read his first letter. A lesson about a motivation of love, and humble, generous shepherding. All done for the glory of Jesus. 1 Peter 5 v1.

5:1 To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ’s sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed: 2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers-not because you MUST, but because you are WILLING, as God WANTS you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; 3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. 4 And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.

Don’t be shepherds for any other reason than because God WANTS you to. And because you’re looking forward to Jesus’ reward.

You see, there are ALL SORTS OF REASONS AND MOTIVATIONS why people shepherd God’s flock. For the pay cheque. For the power and influence. To be liked and approved of. Because you don’t want to disappoint people. (And even when we ARE looking after the sheep for THE RIGHT reasons, these OTHER reasons can SNEAK IN, and STAIN our GOOD motivations.)

If Jesus had just commanded Peter, “Feed my sheep,” it would have sent the message that the JOB was what was most important, and the MOTIVATION was only SECONDARY. But by BEGINNING with the question, “Do you LOVE me?” we see what matters MOST. Our love for JESUS. Our enjoyment and appreciation of his character and his sacrifice. A desire to see his name HONOURED. A desire to PLEASE him. That’s what fuels WILLING service. EAGER service. Without it, ministry degenerates into people-pleasing, reward-seeking, power-pursuing, clock-watching. Whether you have the TITLE of minister, or NOT. What can you pray for ME, as one of the shepherds of this flock? It’s pretty simple. That I’d LOVE JESUS more. That’s what will help me feed the sheep better.

  1. Take up your cross and follow Jesus

So far we’ve seen TWO answers to the question, What next? Catch fish in his strength, and feed sheep in his love. The third answer Jesus gives/ is to take up your cross and follow him. He commands Peter for the third time to feed his sheep. And then he has A PROPHECY for him. Have a look at v18.

18 I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will STRETCH OUT YOUR HANDS, and someone else will dress you and LEAD YOU WHERE YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO.”

Which doesn’t sound like a very CLEAR prophecy. But thankfully John EXPLAINS it for us.

19 Jesus said this to indicate the kind of DEATH by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “FOLLOW me!”

In other words, his hands will be spread out on the crossbar of a cross, then he’ll be led to his crucifixion. Jesus has just commissioned Peter to SPEND his life feeding Jesus’ sheep. Now, he adds that he’ll even LOSE his life to the task. It’s why Jesus finishes the prophecy, there in v19, with the command FOLLOW ME! Follow me by IMITATING me. Obeying me. Shaping your life according to my commands and priorities.

This is John’s version of something Jesus says in each of the OTHER gospels. Like Matthew 16 v24 “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and TAKE UP HIS CROSS and FOLLOW me. 25 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.

Those who follow Jesus must be willing to follow him EVEN TO DEATH. Giving EVERYTHING as Jesus gave everything. Just like he’d said to the disciples right back at the beginning. Back in Ch 1 v43, Jesus is leaving Bethany, where John was baptising, and was heading to Galilee, and he finds Phillip as says, FOLLOW ME. And he DOES, as does Andrew and Peter and Nathanael and John. And they KEEP following him. And now, at the END of the Gospel, Peter’s challenged to follow Jesus ALL THE WAY TO HIS DEATH.

According to Eusebius, who wrote The Church History in the fourth century, Peter was crucified under the Roman Emperor Nero around AD 65. And he requested to be crucified UPSIDE DOWN, because he felt unworthy to die the same way as his Saviour.

What will FOLLOWING Jesus look like FOR YOU? It MAY mean DEATH. It certainly has for thousands, even millions, of Jesus’ followers down through history. And, if anything persecution’s growing more intense. There’s a widely believed estimate that more Christians have been martyred in the 20th century than in the previous 19 centuries COMBINED! Praise God, it looks unlikely that things will get that bad in Australia. But what will taking up your cross look like FOR YOU? It will mean something UNIQUE. No other follower of Jesus is in your position, with your gifts, your opportunities, your challenges, your temptations. It will cost you SOMETHING. Money, time, emotional energy. It will take COURAGE, and TRUST. It will take COSTLY COMMITMENT, it will take LOVE, and ENERGY, and HUMBLE SERVICE.

It might be something in CHURCH. Perhaps helping with our ESL ministry, or KCentral holiday kids club, or being part of the Welcoming Team, with Neale. It might be in your street, or in your family, in your workplace, or your uni, or in your holidays. It might be in Australia or overseas.

But not just INDIVIDUALLY, there’s a message for us AS A CHURCH from this chapter. All sorts of good things we can do as a church. But we can’t lose sight of these three: Catch fish, feed sheep, take up your cross. Our VISION needs to reflect these. Our mission. Our priorities. Our calendar, our list of activities, our prayer points, our budget. All the decisions we make about how to spend our time and energy. Are they helping us to catch fish in Jesus’ strength? And feed sheep in Jesus’ love? And take up our cross in humble sacrifice to follow him?

Galatians 5: Effective religion

Everyone’s interested in how to be more EFFECTIVE in life – more successful and useful. How to be more efficient and organised AT WORK. Or how to be a better parent. Or a better gardener. How to get fit, or lose weight, or repair a bike, or knit a jumper. “HOW TO” Ted talks receive millions of views. And YouTube is, arguably, more popular for TEACHING us things than for ENTERTAINING us.

And then there’s RELIGION. One definition of religion is that it’s a quest for how to please God, or live a moral life, or gain eternal life, or paradise. Is there a technique, or a power, or a motivation that’s effective for doing THAT?

And for those of us who are Christian, it’s a great question to ask, TOO. How can I live the Christian life the way God wants? With purpose and satisfaction? With victory over sin? Where does the power, or the motivation, come from/ to live that life/ reliably and successfully, and consistently? What’s the secret to EFFECTIVE RELIGION?

And the answer might surprise you. Because Biblical Christianity is different from EVERY OTHER RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY in answering that question. Every other religion says you have to THINK or DO certain things to be effective. (Keep certain rules. Wear certain clothes. Eat certain things. Imitate certain people. Live a certain lifestyle.) Do THOSE things and you’ll be achieve your goals. God will NOTICE, and REWARD you. You’ll be EFFECTIVE, COMPETENT, SUCCESSFUL. (Christopher Watkin, in his book Biblical Critical Theory, calls it n-shaped religion. You do something for God, and he responds by doing something for you).

For the last four chapters of Galatians Paul’s been arguing with Jewish false teachers, who are SAYING EXACTLY THAT. They say the way to be right with God, and to be BLESSED, is to keep the Jewish law, as collected in the Scriptures. Especially circumcision, and food laws and the Ten Commandments. And Paul’s argument is IT DOESN’T WORK. It’s not effective AT ALL. Because you have to keep ALL of the law. ALL the TIME. And NO ONE can do that.

The ALTERNATIVE is simply to trust God’s promise. Through the obedience of his Son, he promises to make people right with him, simply through FAITH. He promises to BLESS them, and make them SONS. And give them the inheritance of his Holy Spirit. And everything you do is in grateful RESPONSE to that. That’s Biblical Christianity. (It’s u-shaped religion. Begins with GOD, and we do something in return). That’s the way the Galatian church BEGAN. But they’ve been influenced by these false teachers. And they’re at risk of giving up their FREEDOM, and going back to SLAVERY. (Giving up what’s EFFECTIVE, and replacing it with something WORTHLESS.)

And here at the start of chapter 5 Paul warns them again. V1

5:1 It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free. STAND FIRM, THEN, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by A YOKE OF SLAVERY.

Don’t give in. Don’t go back. V2.

2 Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of NO VALUE to you at all.

If you let go of Jesus, and start trusting your law-keeping, then he’ll be of no ADVANTAGE to you. He won’t be EFFECTIVE. Or v4.

4 You who are trying to be justified BY LAW have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.

When you try to save yourself, or trust what you do, you’re saying that Jesus’ death and resurrection aren’t needed. You’ve chosen a DIFFERENT method.

But that method’s INEFFECTIVE. Instead, here’s what’s EFFECTIVE. (What WORKS.) v5

5 But BY FAITH we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope.

God’s PROMISED us a final declaration of being right with him. On judgment day. And we TRUST that promise, while we confidently wait for it. Then, v6, the comparison. (What DOESN’T work. And what WORKS).

6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision HAS ANY VALUE. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

That word translated “has any value” means “is EFFECTIVE.” In other places it’s about ABILITY or STRENGTH. Circumcision doesn’t WORK. It won’t win blessing from God, or a heavenly reward. And neither will uncircumcision. NO human effort will. No other religious or moral action will work. The only thing that IS effective/ is to be IN Christ Jesus – to HAVE FAITH. And then for that faith to produce action. To SHOW itself in LOVE – to be EXPRESSED through love. That’s love for God and love for others. Action that flows from TRUSTING God.

We’re not only JUSTIFIED by faith. We WAIT by faith, v5. And we LOVE by faith, v6. That’s the only EFFECTIVE religion.

(Verses 7 to 12 have more warnings about not listening to the false teachers. And a fairly brutal wish about their final punishment, v12). But then, from v13, he returns to the idea of FREEDOM, which he introduced in v1. And he CLARIFIES it. Perhaps he’s answering arguments from the false teachers. They’re saying, “Freedom’s DANGEROUS. If there are no consequences or punishments, then people will do whatever they want. It doesn’t really WORK. Freedom’s NOT effective at producing godliness.” They argue that u-shaped religion won’t produce effective ethical change. You need an external motivator. Only n-shaped religion WORKS. They’re saying, “If you want to produce obedience, you have to ENFORCE it. With the STICK of punishment, or the CARROT of REWARD.”

And they argue/ that’s the basic problem with Paul’s position. If forgiveness is God’s free gift, then what’s to stop people just doing whatever they feel like, asking forgiveness, wiping everything clean, so they can start living for themselves ALL OVER AGAIN?

Freedom to love

Look how Paul answers that, from v13.

13 You, my brothers, were CALLED to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; RATHER, SERVE ONE ANOTHER IN LOVE.

TRUE religion begins with God’s initiative. He CALLS you. Then you RESPOND. He calls you to be FREE. That’s what you were DESIGNED for. (To choose right instead of wrong, and then to have the power and motivation to actually DO it.) It’s NOT a calling that indulges, or gives in, to the sinful nature. He’s got a much higher expectation of you. He’s called us to SERVE one another in LOVE. You’ve been set free to LOVE. That’s your CALLING.

It’s a little like JAZZ. Jazz music is about FREEDOM. There’s not really any music written down. Perhaps a few chords, and the melody line. And, from the outside, it looks like you basically just play WHATEVER YOU WANT. But that’s a misunderstanding. If everybody did THAT, it would sound TERRIBLE. In jazz there are BOUNDARIES. RULES. Rules about CHORDS, and rhythm, and who takes turns to play solos. And who plays loud, and who plays soft. And it’s as the jazz player plays within those rules. That she works out how to play in a way that FITS. That BLENDS, that HARMONISES. The jazz player’s been SET FREE to FIT IN with OTHERS. That’s FREEDOM. That’s what makes beautiful music the way it was DESIGNED. When you keep to the rules of JAZZ, the music sounds FANTASTIC. It’s free and it’s wild and it’s joyful and it’s beautiful. And it’s the same with the Christian life. You’ve been set free. So SERVE ONE ANOTHER IN LOVE.

The word for serve is SLAVERY – the same as in v1. Which is quite ironic really. You’ve been set FREE alright, free to be a SLAVE TO OTHERS. (To put THEIR needs before your own.) That’s what TRUE LOVE is – choosing to put SOMEONE ELSE’S good above YOURS.

And notice the order? The LOGIC? It’s AFTER you’ve been set free that you serve others in LOVE. (You don’t SERVE to FREE yourself.) It’s u-shaped religion, not n-shaped.

That’s the RIGHT way to use the Old Testament Scriptures. To guide you about how to RESPOND to God’s gift. Not how to EARN it. Which is where MOST people go wrong. Look how Paul continues, v14.

14 The entire LAW is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 

That what God’s CALLED you to. His initiative, your RESPONSE. A summary of every law about how you treated people: “Love your neighbour as yourself.” (AS MUCH as you love yourself). If you love your neighbour, you won’t STEAL from him. Or LIE to him. Or be ANGRY with him. And so on.

That’s what you’ve been CALLED TO. And been set free FOR. And how your FAITH will WORK ITSELF OUT. It all BEGINS with God’s gift. And that TURNS YOUR MOTIVES AROUND. From EARNING/ to RESPONDING. Which is an incredibly FREEING, and EFFECTIVE motivation.

Freedom of the Spirit

Up to this point, it seem like the tools for an effective Christian life have come from WITHIN OURSELVES. (Stand firm. Eagerly await by faith. Express faith through love. Serve in love). But that’s only PART of the answer. The problem is that, BY OURSELVES, we can NEVER succeed. We can never have the character, or will-power or self-control to live effective Christian lives. We don’t just need MOTIVATION, we need POWER.

And Paul says the answer, v16, is to LIVE BY THE SPIRIT. He’s our HIDDEN RESOURCE. (We’ve seen, back in ch 4 v6, how God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts. And v5 hints at it – but by faith we eagerly await THROUGH THE SPIRIT the righteousness we hope for). Look at v16.

16 So I say, LIVE BY THE SPIRIT, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.

It’s literally WALK by the Spirit, or in the Spirit. Walk through life following Jesus, doing things GUIDED by his Spirit, STRENGTHENED by his Spirit. (Live with priorities shaped by him, thoughts flavoured by him, a character moulded on him.) WALK IN THE Spirit. And you won’t gratify the desires of your OLD nature.

The civil war

Sounds easy, doesn’t it? But we all know it’s not as simple as it sounds. It’s A BATTLE. Every day. There’s a CIVIL WAR inside every Christian. Whether you’ve been saved for a DAY, or a DECADE. 50 weeks, or 50 years. V17

17 For the SINFUL NATURE desires what is contrary to the SPIRIT, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in CONFLICT with each other, so that you do not do what you want.

Every one of us, if we’re a Christian, has to cope with a series of constant battles. Skirmishes on a range of different fronts. Dozens of times every day. There’s our NATURAL self that wants to choose the selfish, self-satisfying, self-honouring thing. The thing that will PLEASE us, or make us more comfortable, or make us feel better, or more important, or more respected. But on the other hand, God’s Spirit’s working in us, gradually renovating us, changing our thoughts, shaping our motives, our words, our responses, our desires.

And, at every choice, there’s A BATTLE. (What do I THINK? Where do I LOOK? What do I SAY? How do I RESPOND? What will I CHOOSE?) Will I follow my NATURAL human inclination? Or God’s Spirit? Will I choose to LOVE my neighbour as myself? Or will I choose to love MYSELF, at his expense? One follows the Spirit. The other follows the NATURAL self – the OLD nature.

BEFORE you were a Christian, it was always the NATURAL self that won. It was no contest. Slavery to sin. Always choosing SELF. But now, because of the SPIRIT, there’s FREEDOM. V18.

18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law

Christians are FREE because they NOW HAVE THE ABILITY TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT. To choose to listen to the Spirit. To walk after him. BECAUSE they HAVE God’s Spirit. HE is the POWER to be effective. To choose LOVE. To put others first. To break habits. To develop self-control. To put the OLD nature to DEATH.

Paul moves on to describing the two sides of the battle. What your life will look like if you continually choose ONE SIDE over ANOTHER. V19. If you keep choosing to do what comes NATURALLY, here’s what you can expect.

19 The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.

All sorts of things you wouldn’t expect a Christian to go anywhere NEAR. Like sexual immorality, witchcraft, and orgies. But right there amongst them are less OBVIOUS sins. The sorts of things we CAN find hard to conquer. Like discord and dissensions and factions. That’s TAKING SIDES. Deciding ONE person’s better than ANOTHER.

And then doing things that make it worse. That put one person AGAINST the other. Gossip. Spreading rumours. Refusing to forgive. Preferring to talk ABOUT someone than TO someone. Not being willing to apologise, to clear up misunderstandings. To mend fences, or build bridges. That’s what our OLD nature says. Rather than follow the Spirit. And treat people with LOVE.

Or what about ENVY. That’s a sneaky one isn’t it? Or SELFISH AMBITION. Right in the middle of doing something GOOD and God-honouring, you’ll find MIXED MOTIVES. You’ll realise you’re seeking APPROVAL and ADMIRATION. Or you’re dreaming about that promotion, the power and influence. It’s a constant battle. To do what comes NATURALLY. Or to follow the Spirit.

Paul’s warning is that people who continually allow the NATURAL, SINFUL nature to WIN that battle. Show they’re not really God’s AT ALL. V21.

I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Is that YOU?

But when you DO walk by the Spirit, then here are the qualities you can expect to see in your life. Like summer passionfruit on the vine. V22.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control.

Just like FRUIT, the growth is GRADUAL. The changes people will notice as they think about what you USED to be like. This time last MONTH, or last YEAR.

These qualities aren’t about your personality. (Some of us are NATURALLY more joyful than others, or have greater self-control.) This is about GOD’S work in you. FRUIT is SINGULAR. When the Spirit’s growing these qualities, they develop TOGETHER. ALL of them coming from God’s Spirit. When you find that you’re able to be kind, or patient, or gentle when it doesn’t come NATURALLY, then give thanks to GOD. Because it’s the work of his Spirit!

EFFECTIVE growth in character. EFFECTIVE religion. Comes in RESPONSE to God’s grace. AS we WALK IN THE Spirit.

Acts of the sinful nature, or fruit of the Spirit. That’s the battle. That’s the two sides. The battle will continue until the day you die. Don’t think you’ll ever outgrow it, or move beyond it. It doesn’t stop when you finish school. Or serve in a ministry role. Or marry. Or retire. Or when you graduate Bible college.

But don’t be discouraged if you find that you fall back into the sorts of things you used to do. As long as you don’t want to STAY there. If they’re not what you WANT – if they’re not where you want to REMAIN- then, in a way, that’s GOOD NEWS. Because it means the BATTLE CONTINUES. You’re not who you want to be. And God IS at work in you, moulding you into the likeness of Jesus.

And Paul finishes two final motivations. One negative. One positive. To help us in that struggle. First, when you became a Christian, you CRUCIFIED you’re sinful nature, your old character. V24. It’s stuck up on a cross. Dead. Powerless. Out of date. Cursed. So LEAVE it stuck there. The problem is we like to pull it back down every so often. To reminisce. To longingly play with it. To bring back LUST every so often, or JEALOUSY, or AMBITION. Because we think it will SATISFY us. Give us something God WON’T. But it’s DEAD. It’s POWERLESS. So LEAVE it hanging there. Turn your BACK on it. And walk away.

That’s the NEGATIVE advice. Here’s the positive. V25.

25 Since we LIVE by the Spirit, let us KEEP IN STEP WITH THE SPIRIT.

Since you’ve been MADE ALIVE by God’s Spirit, keep in STEP with him. He BEGAN the journey, trust him to COMPLETE it. Keep in step with him. Like soldiers marching in formation. Keeping in rhythm. Or following a dance partner. Moving across the floor as if you’re ONE. Or one cyclist following along behind another at the same speed, pulled along in her slipstream.

Make God’s priorities YOUR priorities. His ways of thinking, his words, his program. Make them YOURS. KEEP in STEP with the Spirit. So you can express your faith in LOVE.

Luke 2:41-52: Home Alone

One of the movies that seems to come on TV around Christmas is “Home Alone”. Do you remember it? Starring the cute Macauley Culkin. His crazy family leave him behind in the rush to make it to the airport for their Christmas holiday. And he’s left at home, where he has all sorts of adventures on his own.

It’s a movie that reminds me of what happens here for the boy Jesus. Home Alone. It’s the only story in any of the gospels from Jesus’ childhood. Mark and John begin with Jesus as an ADULT. And Matthew jumps straight from him as a baby to an adult. But Luke chose to include ONE EVENT from his childhood. THIS ONE. And his reason is to teach us about Jesus. Especially about his FATHER and about HIS HOME. But not about his EARTHLY father and home.

You see, Jesus, even at this young age, realises he has ANOTHER Father. A HEAVENLY Father. And it’s HIS family business he’s going to follow in. Right back in Ch 1 v2 Luke the author tells us he’s carefully investigated all the events he’s included. Which probably means he spent time talking to Mary. We’re told at the end of today’s story, v50, that Mary TREASURED UP ALL THESE THINGS IN HER HEART. So when Luke comes along years later, doing research for his biography, THIS is probably one of the stories Mary tells.

She probably ALSO told Luke about her ANGEL VISIT. (Luke records that in Ch 1 v26.) And just ONE of the extraordinary things the angel says to Mary (Chapter 1 v32) is that her baby will be called THE SON OF THE MOST HIGH. Not just MARY’S son, but God’s son. And it’s likely Mary told Jesus about that as he grew up.

However it happened, by the time Jesus is twelve, he knows that God’s his Father in a very SPECIAL way. A way that’s different from how OTHER Jews think about God. They’d call God “OUR Father”. In the sense that he’s the father of EVERY JEW. Or that God’s the father of THE WHOLE NATION. But there was little understanding of a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP. But Jesus, at 12, calls God MY Father. In a PERSONAL and INTIMATE way.

And Mary’s stored away THIS PARTICULAR STORY about Jesus the boy. Because of what it says about his IDENTITY. And about his MISSION. (Who he is, and why he’s come.) And so Luke INCLUDES it for US. So we’d know the CERTAINTY of the things we’ve been taught. Especially the incredible truth that Jesus is BOTH GOD and MAN.

A family holy-day

V41. It begins when the family head off to Jerusalem for the Passover. Same as they do every year. A regular family Holy-day. They’re part of a GROUP. Relatives and neighbours. Pilgrims, all travelling from Nazareth, in the north. South to Jerusalem. They travel for COMPANY. And they travel for SAFETY. They arrive at the temple, and celebrate the feast.

At the end of the festival, the group packs up, and they all head out of town. Well, not QUITE everyone. The woman and young children are at ONE end of the convoy. The men and OLDER boys travel at THE OTHER END. And so Jesus, at TWELVE, could be with EITHER. Which is what both Mary AND Joseph assume.

But the REALITY is he’s with NEITHER. He’s been left behind – just like the MOVIE. And they only realise it when they stop for the evening. They ask their RELATIVES. They ask their NEIGHBOURS. But no one’s seen him. Any parent who’s lost a child knows the sinking feeling.

So the next morning they travel back the way they’ve come. And stay the night back in Jerusalem. AGAIN. No doubt, worried the whole time. The THIRD day, bright and early, they start looking.

Now, my mother always said to me when I’d lose something, which, growing up, I did quite a lot, “Where do you last remember seeing it?” And it’s good advice. Mary and Joseph head back to the temple, where they’d celebrated the Passover. Where they’d last seen Jesus. And that’s where they find him. One commentator says   “the holy FAMILY/ left the holiest PART of the family/ back at the HOLY OF HOLIES!”

And, when they find Jesus, like MOST parents, they’re relieved AND upset. To be honest, v48 sounds like they’re more UPSET.

48 When his parents saw him, they were ASTONISHED. His mother said to him, “Son, WHY HAVE YOU TREATED US LIKE THIS? Your father and I have been ANXIOUSLY SEARCHING for you.”

They’ve been worried SICK for the last couple of days. And travelling half way across Judah. And when they finally FIND Jesus, he’s sitting among the teachers of the law, discussing the Scriptures, making himself right at HOME. As if nothing’s happened.

The Spirit of wisdom and understanding

And they’re not the ONLY ones astonished. Because Jesus isn’t just listening and ASKING questions. Which is what you’d EXPECT of a twelve year old. He’s ANSWERING questions TOO. V47. And everyone who HEARS him is AMAZED at his understanding and his answers. He’s got WISDOM BEYOND HIS YEARS. Which isn’t surprising when we remember what God had PROMISED about the Messiah through the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah chapter 11.

A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. 2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him– the Spirit of WISDOM AND OF UNDERSTANDING,

(A promise that God would give his Spirit to his promised king / so he’d have special WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING.) And that’s exactly what Jesus is showing. Even at TWELVE. In the temple, God’s HOUSE. Learning even MORE from the experts.

Two fathers

And as Jesus answers his parents, we find out WHY. Jesus’ first recorded words. Which makes them pretty significant. Here’s his answer. V49.

49 “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I HAD to be in MY FATHER’S HOUSE?”

Mary had said, “YOUR FATHER and I have been looking for you.” But Jesus replies that he’s got ANOTHER Father. V49 “Why were you searching for me? Didn’t you know that I had to be in MY FATHER’S house?” TWO fathers. But very different from any other sort of complicated step-family.

We know the background. The angel visit to Mary. The promise of a baby, even though she’s a VIRGIN. That the Holy Spirit himself would come upon her, and she’d be with child. In a unique way, GOD would be his Father. Beyond anything we can understand. And over in Ch 3 Luke refers to that parentage, when he traces Jesus’ ancestry all the way back to Adam. He begins, v23, with his father (well, ONE of them ANYWAY). He describes him: “Jesus. He was the son, SO IT WAS THOUGHT, of Joseph.” TWO fathers. An EARTHLY Father who’s looking for Jesus. And a HEAVENLY Father, who Jesus is looking to learn more about.

This is REALLY the CENTRAL TRUTH of Christianity. The DEFINING truth of Christianity. That Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, eternal and omnipotent, became a human being, was born of a human mother, and adopted by a human father. You can deny all sorts of truths about the Christian faith, and still be a Christian. But deny THIS truth, and you’re no longer Christian. This is what separates mainstream Christianity from cults, and sects, and other religions. No matter WHAT they say about how they revere his life, or follow his teaching. It might seem like a fairly insignificant story. But it teaches us about WHO JESUS IS. Not just what he looked like. Or how he acted. But WHO HE WAS. At the core of his identity. Fully God and fully man.

In the things of my Father

Jesus says, v49, “Didn’t you know I HAD to be in my Father’s house? It should have been OBVIOUS. I’m my Father’s SON, it’s necessary to be doing HIS things. So you shouldn’t be SURPRISED to find me in the temple learning ABOUT him.”

But even THEN, v50, his parents don’t understand what he’s saying. It probably doesn’t help that Jesus’ actual words aren’t quite as clear as our translation suggests. A more literal translation says something like, “Don’t you know that I must BE IN THE THINGS of my father.”

That COULD mean in my Father’s HOUSE. Or it could be MORE GENERAL. “I must be about my Father’s BUSINESS.” That’s how the King James translates it. Which I prefer. Because it means MORE than just Jesus has to be in a certain PLACE. He has to be IMMERSED in the things of his father. His plans, and purposes. His character and his way of doing things. His WHOLE LIFE is governed by those things. Which means his job at the moment is to be learning more about what his Father’s business INVOLVES.

And so, v51, the family heads home. AGAIN. THIS time with Mary and Joseph keeping a closer eye on Jesus. Especially as they try to understand what it means for Jesus to be IN THE THINGS OF HIS FATHER. And, v51, Mary treasured up all these things in her heart. She stored them away as precious memories. She did the same thing back when the shepherds had visited the baby Jesus. Back in Bethlehem. And they’d told them all about the army of angels singing songs of praise to God. For HER LITTLE BOY. And we read, ch 2 v19. “Mary TREASURED up all these things, and PONDERED them in her heart.”

You see, Mary’s not treasuring the memories like a family photo album. More like PIECES OF A PUZZLE. A puzzle that can’t be solved in one attempt. So every so often, as the years go by, she brings them out again, and thinks some MORE about them. And tries to fit the pieces together. Tries to understand WHO THIS LITTLE BOY IS she’s raising. This little boy who’s “the son of JOSEPH, so it was thought”. AND the Son of the MOST HIGH. God’s Son. A little boy learning to be God’s AGENT, doing God’s BUSINESS.

Who is this Jesus?

And it’s the same question Luke wants US to ask. WHO IS THIS JESUS? Son of the Most High God. Come to bring SALVATION. Come to REIGN over a kingdom that will never end. And, in particular, Who is this Jesus who’s so full of the Spirit of WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING? Who, even as a BOY, spoke about God as if he KNEW HIM PERSONALLY. Because that’s someone who’s really worth KNOWING. Worth LISTENING TO.

Here’s someone who gets living the human life RIGHT. Who lives WELL. Because he gets GOD right. He knows PERSONALLY the God who MADE us. (Understands HIS purposes and perspective and priorities.) See how the section FINISHES? They went home to Nazareth, and Jesus was OBEDIENT to his parents. Here was God’s son, going about his Father’s business. Rightly connected to his HEAVENLY Father. But also rightly connected to his HUMAN parents, too. V52 says he grew in wisdom and stature, and IN FAVOUR WITH GOD AND MEN. There was a BALANCE to his life. Living WELL is about being connected HORIZONTALLY to your fellow man. And connected VERTICALLY to your God. BOTH directions are important.

We can LEARN from Jesus how to live WISELY. And live WELL. How to know and relate to GOD. And to PEOPLE. We’ve seen, over the last three weeks, how PROVERBS teaches us how to live WISELY. God’s instructions. How to live in the FEAR of the LORD. But THIS IS EVEN BETTER. Because it’s not just God’s INSTRUCTIONS we’re to OBEY. But God’s EXAMPLE we’re to FOLLOW. He doesn’t just TELL us. He SHOWS us.

It’s wisdom we need ESPECIALLY at the moment. The world is full of confusion and fear. Wars with no end in sight. Rising interest rates. Mortgage stress. Crippling cost of living. Climate change and growing hopelessness. Greater immorality and pride, and refusal to listen to God’s wisdom. Australians feel HELPLESS and HOPELESS in the face of it. We want ANSWERS. We want WISDOM. We want to know how to live life WELL. With insight and purpose and perspective.

And Luke introduces us to someone who, as the unique Son of God, has God’s Spirit of WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING. Someone who lives life WELL. And calls us to FOLLOW him. Even at TWELVE, Jesus is living life well. Answering questions from people decades older.

But look at how Luke goes on to describe him. In the chapters that follow. In Ch 4, he’s now A GROWN MAN. He resists temptation in the wilderness. He lives by the Word of God, and worships him ALONE. That’s WISDOM.

In Ch 5 he calls disciples to FOLLOW HIM. And teaches them NEW PRIORITIES. Gives them a new heavenly agenda. How to catch MEN, not FISH.

In Ch 6, he teaches about a DIFFERENT REALITY. A different kingdom. God’s kingdom. He teaches that the POOR are blessed – for the Kingdom of God is theirs. And that when people CURSE you because of Jesus you are BLESSED. (Blessed because your reward is great in heaven). That’s putting the things of THIS life in perspective, when the future is uncertain. (Employment, or climate or interest rates.) That’s WISDOM.

And, 6:35, he teaches “LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, and turn the other cheek.” That’s the wisdom you need in the face of fear and death and hatred.

Jesus had been living that wisdom for DECADES. Since he was a BOY. Growing in wisdom and stature. And in FAVOUR with God and man. And he continues, in 6:35, those who FOLLOW his wisdom. Who love their enemies.

Then your reward will be great, and YOU will be SONS OF THE MOST HIGH,

Did you catch what he said? Love your enemies, and your reward will be great, and YOU WILL BE SONS OF THE MOST HIGH. Who ELSE was a Son of the Most High? Jesus! That’s what the angel Gabriel had promised his mother Mary. And it’s what Jesus himself UNDERSTOOD as a 12 year old in the temple. Learning to be about his Father’s business.

But here, Jesus says that WE, TOO, are God’s sons, when we FOLLOW THE WISDOM OF HIS UNIQUE SON. We bear a family resemblance. We imitate GOD when we love our enemies. Because (v35)

because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. 36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.

Our heavenly Father does that every day. To people who don’t DESERVE it. To people who ignore him. And who live in rebellion and independence from him. Who decide their own morality. He gives them life and health. Children and shelter and food and jobs and peace. He sends rain and sun. To his enemies AS WELL AS his children.

And WISE people do the same. They love their enemies. When death and terror rattles them, they CHOOSE TO LOVE, instead. When the temptation is to hate or fear, they CHOOSE TO LOVE, instead. When uncertainty and fear unsettle us, wise people point their friends and neighbours and work colleagues to God’s wise son, Jesus. Who had an eternal perspective on wealth and family and employment.

He’s got answers for life. And answers for DEATH. Wise answers for how to make life WORK. To make it rich and real and right. How to live without fear or worry. How to live content and blessed.

WISE people follow God’s WISE SON, Jesus. Make 2024 a year when you focus MORE on listening to HIM. And LESS on listening to what the WORLD says.

Luke 2:1-20: The Wonder of Christmas

There’s something strange that happens on Christmas morning. Something PARENTS or GRANDPARENTS have probably noticed. Your 1 or 2 yr old gets a beautifully-wrapped present. The gift you’ve carefully selected is inside. Making sure it’s educationally sound. It’s safe. It’s fun. It’s age-appropriate. And when he finally opens the wrapping paper, and the box… He takes one look at the present, throws it aside. And starts PLAYING WITH THE WRAPPING.

In fact, the WRAPPING amuses him for the rest of the day. There’s the paper that’s bright and colourful. And makes a great noise when you scrunch it up. There’s the big box that’s PERFECT for hiding in. It’s fascinating the way the flaps open and close. Open and close. Who CARES about the present? It ends up pushed to one side, and forgotten!


And yet it’s not only KIDS who do this. ADULTS do it too. Christmas is SO BUSY. We wrap it up with so many extras. So many traditions. And expectations. And events. There are Christmas cards to write. There’s food to buy and prepare and eat. There are presents to buy and wrap. Christmas lights to install, and Christmas trees to decorate. There are the end of year break-up parties to organise and attend. And family get-togethers to endure. And holidays to enjoy. There’s just SO MUCH WRAPPING around Christmas. That we forget about the PRESENT. The GIFT. The REASON FOR THE SEASON.

So let’s NOT have a child’s view of Christmas this year. Let’s put aside the wrapping for a few moments. And consider again the WONDER of the greatest gift of all. That God would send his ONLY SON. Eternal. One with the Father. To step into time and space. God WITH us. To live among us. To DIE among us. And be raised to life. To bring us back to God. And not as a powerful warrior and ruler, but as a helpless, humble baby.

It’s such AN EXTRAORDINARY EVENT, so UNEXPECTED. It SHOULD make us SHAKE OUR HEADS IN WONDER. It should make us forget about the WRAPPING. And rejoice and worship Jesus. And give praise to God for him. And offer ourselves afresh to God in gratitude. At the enormity of the gift of his Son.

It certainly amazed MARY. Did you notice her reaction? Right there near the end of our reading? V19.

19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.

She stored them away. And CONSIDERED them. (Gabriel’s visit to her. Her divine pregnancy. That her baby boy would rule at eternal kingdom following his ancestor King David. Then the visit from the shepherds, who’d spoken about MORE angels singing glory to God. Because the MESSIAH had been born – God’s long-promised rescuer. And it was all focussed on the little baby she held in her arms. Mary’s son, but also God’s Son. No wonder she stored all those memories away. To understand and appreciate them.

So let’s follow Mary’s example. And do the same. It’s a familiar story to most of us. So let’s not give in to the temptation of jumping too quickly over the details. Chapter 2, v1-3, as fantastic as the story is/ it’s set solidly in history. Caesar Augustus, emperor of Rome. Ruled from 31BC to 14AD. His local representative was Quirinius.

The major event was an empire-wide census. Caesar used the census to raise taxes, and to build his army. But GOD used it to fulfil the prophecy in Micah 5 – that the Messiah would be born in BETHLEHEM, the city of David. V4, Joseph and Mary live in Nazareth – at the NORTHERN end of Israel. But their ancestors are from Bethlehem – at the SOUTHERN end. So that’s where they travel.

And when they arrive, she gives birth to her miraculous baby, v7. Which is normal enough. But he’s the UNUSUAL bit. Because there’s no room in the inn, she wraps him up, and places him in a manger. An animal feeding trough. It’s hard to imagine ANYONE born into such humble beginnings. Let alone God’s only son. It’s the LAST thing anyone would CHOOSE.

But what appeared humble, quickly showed its true character. God wasn’t going to let such a earth-shattering event pass COMPLETELY un-noticed. V8. It’s night time, so there aren’t many people around. But there are some shepherds in a nearby field, caring for their flock.

And, v9, God sends his angel to tell them the news. And God’s glory shone around them. The flood lights are turned on! Beautiful. But PETRIFYING at the same time. So the angel said (v10)

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. {11} Today in the town of David a SAVIOUR has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.

Go and MEET him. He’ll be easy to spot, v12, he’ll be the only baby in Bethlehem IN A MANGER. Then, v13, ONE angel becomes A WHOLE ARMY. Or a whole CHOIR. And they praise God, and they sing the first Christmas’s/ first CHRISTMAS CAROL (v14)

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests.””

Fantastic news! News worth SINGING ABOUT! They’re singing because of how the first angel describes the baby, v11. First, SAVIOUR. A title the Jews used for God, and God alone. All through history it was GOD who saved his people. This new baby was connected to God.

Secondly, CHRIST. Or in Hebrew, MESSIAH. “Chosen one”. God’s anointed. God’s instrument, fulfilling God’s purposes.

And third. LORD: This title is really the most staggering. Already in little more than a chapter, Luke’s used this title of “Lord” nearly twenty times to refer to God! Here he uses the same word to refer to Jesus! The tiny helpless baby human.

Saviour, Christ, Lord. All three titles reveal, incredibly, that somehow THIS IS GOD HIMSELF, lying in the animal food trough. God with skin. The all-powerful Creator of the Universe / completely helpless and dependent on his mother.

It’s almost impossible to understand. But it’s the central truth of Christianity. It’s what separates Christianity from every other religion. Jesus is God and man. Not one, but looking like the other. Not one FIRST, and then the other LATER.

And if we include what THE ANGEL CHOIR sing, we get some idea about what he’ll DO. (What he’ll save us FROM.) v14, they declare PEACE. Peace to those on whom God’s favour rests.

And that works on a few levels. Jesus comes to bring peace with GOD. He saves us from God’s wrath. When he bears God’s just punishment for our sin.

And once that’s happened, he gives us an INTERNAL peace. Peace that our sin has been dealt with. And a contentment in whatever we face in life.

And as Jesus works in people, he often brings peace BETWEEN people. Between families, and races, and nations.

And it’s more than just a PART-TIME PEACE. How often have you heard the phrase, “Christmas is that time of the year when we all need to try and get along, the time when we need to spread a little Christmas cheer.” It’s the message of all the TV Christmas specials. But once Christmas is over, we’re back to our normal selfish behaviour. I think that’s why it’s called Boxing Day!! No! The peace Jesus brings is a strong, consistent, resilient, eternal peace. A peace that doesn’t depend on the calendar, or external circumstances. Is that a peace YOU know? It’s certainly a peace the world needs at the moment.

The Romans enforced peace at the end of a spear. The PAX ROMANA – the Roman peace – was the Roman LAW. Crucifixion and whipping. Tough justice. Rebels were rapidly quashed. Individual nations and states were encouraged to come under the umbrella of Roman law. And yet it was only a shadow of peace. The APPEARANCE of peace. Because it wasn’t GENUINE peace. Nations and individuals still hated. They just kept their tongues. For fear of punishment.

Yet it was into the midst of this Roman “peace” that Jesus was born. The TRUE peace-maker. The one who brings peace between us and God NOW. And who’ll, one day, bring peace between people everywhere. That’s the gift God offers YOU this Christmas. That’s the WONDER of Christmas! PEACE. Free. Signed and sealed. The best Christmas gift ever.

Accept God’s offer of RESCUE. Of FORGIVENESS. Thank him for the gift of Jesus. Turn from ignoring his Son. Commit to seek and serve him. And begin to know PEACE.

When you peel away all the wrapping. All the ribbons and paper and tinsel. When you take off the box. That’s the gift. That Jesus will save his people from their sins. And give PEACE. What great news! It’s news worth REJOICING over.

It’s news worth SPREADING. Which is what the SHEPHERDS did. They visited Jesus and Mary and Joseph. And then, v17, they went out SHARING THE AMAZING NEWS. And then, v20, they went back to their lives, GLORIFYING and PRAISING GOD for all the things they’d heard and seen.

And that’s how WE should respond too. Once Christmas is over. And the excitement dies down. And all the wrapping ends up in the recycling bin. Go back to your everyday life, and live in a way that gives thanks to Jesus, who give PEACE. And to God who provides him as the best, most generous, most useful and valuable Christmas gift EVER.

Don’t be like children, who focus on the wrapping. Focus on the GIFT – the gift of JESUS – this Christmas. Rejoice and celebrate him. Wonder at God’s goodness. And SHARE that good news with those you love.

Luke 1:57-80: Power to change

What, then, is this child going to be? I’m sure all parents have done it. The new baby’s finally asleep. And they creep into the bedroom, and gaze lovingly over the side of the cot. And they wonder what life’s got in store for their child. So many opportunities, so much hope and expectation. So much potential.

They’ve made it through the pregnancy, and the birth. They’ve worked out feeding and bathing and changing nappies. And now they’ve got a chance to stop, and draw breath. And imagine, “What, then, is this child going to be?” “Will they be healthy? Or smart? Or good at sport? Will they have a job they enjoy? Will they marry and give us grand kids?”

For MOST new parents, they don’t know the ANSWERS to these questions. They’ve got dreams and hopes. Maybe a few plans. But they don’t really know what will happen in the next few WEEKS, let alone the next few DECADES. But for John’s parents, Zechariah and Elizabeth, things were a bit different. We saw a couple of weeks ago how it happened. They thought they’d missed their chance for kids. Too old. Too barren. No hope.

Until one day an angel appears to Zechariah, and tells him that God’s heard his prayers. They’re going to have a son. After all these years. And they’re to call him John. And then he tells Zechariah WHO JOHN WILL BE. V16-17, a prophet like Elijah. Who’ll bring people back to the LORD their God.

But when Zechariah doubts the angel’s words, he’s REBUKED, and DISCIPLINED. V20.

And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their proper time.”

And, sure enough, that’s what happens. He can’t talk because he won’t BELIEVE. But, before long, THANKFULLY, the angel’s OTHER words also come true. Elizabeth becomes pregnant.

And we pick up the story in v57. She gives birth to a baby boy. And everyone’s OVERJOYED. They SHARED / HER joy. Which is a LOVELY way of describing it, isn’t it? Everyone’s rejoicing because, v58, God’s shown her GREAT MERCY. It literally says he’s MAGNIFIED his mercy to her. God’s given something GOOD that’s UNDESERVED. He COULD have left Elizabeth childless. Plenty of people are NEVER able to have kids. Nothing special about Elizabeth. Except that God MAGNIFIED his mercy to her. And gave her a SON. And everyone’s JOYFUL.

Does God’s great mercy give YOU joy? That’s really the question at Christmas, isn’t it? There are all sorts of emotions we experience at Christmas. Tiredness, frustration at shopping crowds and traffic queues. Impatience with extended family Christmases. But is there JOY? That’s what we SHOULD feel. Because, in God’s great mercy, he’s given Jesus. A FREE GIFT. Of life, and forgiveness and peace and hope.

You deserve NOTHING from God. The HUMAN RACE deserves nothing from God. Except JUDGMENT. But God gave the world his precious only Son/ to give LIFE to those who deserve DEATH. That’s a reason to be JOYFUL!

That was Elizabeth and her friends. Meanwhile poor old Zechariah is sitting SILENT in the corner. All because he doubted God’s word. But when they ask him what to name the baby, he gets the chance to put things right.

Now, the NORMAL thing would be to call him Zechariah. After his Dad. But the angel had told him to call the baby John. He calls for the chalkboard. Verse 63. And everyone’s amazed when he writes, “John is his name.” I made the mistake of doubting God once. I’m not going to do it again.

And as soon as he does, v64, God unblocks his tongue. And he can speak again. First time in MONTHS. And from v67, Zechariah makes up for lost time. And he starts praising God with an amazing song we’ll look at in a moment.

But just look at the reaction of the well-wishers. V65.

65 The neighbors were all filled with AWE, and throughout the hill country of Judea people were TALKING about all these things. 66 Everyone who heard this wondered about it, asking, “WHAT THEN IS THIS CHILD GOING TO BE?” For the Lord’s hand was with him.

There it is – that BIG QUESTION. In other words, “Keep your eye on HIM. THIS one’s destined for greatness – what do you expect/ with a start like this? Angel visits, miraculous conceptions, and a man struck dumb. And then miraculously healed!

Because, you see, it’s not just a long-awaited birth for Zechariah and Elizabeth. In a sense, the WHOLE NATION’S been eagerly waiting. Eagerly waiting for God to act. Just as hopeful as the first-time parents, Zechariah and Elizabeth. Hoping for God keep his promises to send a Saviour. A special king to set them free.

For centuries the prophets had been silent. And they’d been waiting and waiting and waiting. And HOPING. But NOTHING. Until the angel Gabriel, and his words of promise. Until the baby John, and the miraculous healing of his dad. All hopeful signs that GOD WAS AT WORK.

In fact, did you notice the similarity? Between Zechariah, and the nation of Israel? Israel refuses to trust God – they disobey and worship idols. And so he leaves them in silence. To wait, and to hope. And Zechariah, who refuses to trust God. So God leaves him in silence. To wait and to hope.

It’s like Zechariah is a little mini Israel. And God’s making an EXAMPLE of him, to show what he can DO. How he can transform not just an old man, but a whole NATION. Transform them from disbelieving silence into hopeful JOY.

And it’s ALL of God’s grace, which is why the name JOHN is so important. Because that’s what John means – God is GRACIOUS. And that power to change – to transform a life – all comes from THE BIRTH OF JESUS.

Zechariah sees the extraordinary

And so, from v67, look at the change that comes over Zechariah. From silent doubt/ to trusting praise. The Holy Spirit fills him. And he answers their question. “What is this child going to be? Let me TELL you!”

Which he begins in v76. But BEFORE that, he sings about GOD HIMSELF. And about the one God SENDS. The one John would grow up to announce, JESUS.

1. About God (v68-73)

First, v68-75, Zechariah tells us ABOUT GOD. It’s all to do with him RESCUING HIS PEOPLE. V68. “Praise be the Lord. Because he’s COME and REDEEMED his people.” He’s stepping in to BUY THEM BACK FROM SLAVERY. To rescue them from danger. To restore them to freedom.

And notice, from v69, this isn’t some ONE-OFF EVENT. God’s first and only act. It’s the CULMINATION of his plans. The CLIMAX. He’s promised it long ago. And now it’s coming to completion. V69.

He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David {70} (AS HE SAID THROUGH HIS HOLY PROPHETS OF LONG AGO),

God’s PROMISED it. And now he’s DELIVERING. He made a covenant with Abraham, and NOW HE’S DELIVERING on those promises (v72 and 73).

Notice who he’s talking about? It’s not JOHN. John’s not from the line of David. He’s from the line of LEVI. He’s talking about JESUS. He recognizes, from the angel and the miraculous birth of his son John, that God’s promises are coming to pass. Even if he doesn’t know exactly how.

2. About US (74-75)

Then, v74 and 75, Zechariah turns his attention to God’s people. And how they’ll benefit from God’s salvation.


God is doing a NEW thing. AGAIN. God rescues us/ so we can SERVE him. It’s the same word as WORSHIP. Just like he rescued Israel from Egypt so they could worship him. It’s actually what we were MADE for. We were DESIGNED to worship God. To live with him as number ONE, and everything else SECOND. But mostly, we just ignore him. We put OURSELVES as number one, and everything else after that. Mostly, we don’t even CONSIDER God. And that’s what SIN is. The OPPOSITE of worship.

But the amazing thing about God’s MERCY is/ despite the way we treat him. God actually WANTS us to serve him. And so he sends Jesus. With John coming first, to get people READY. Jesus comes to RESCUE us. To RESTORE us. To make us friends again. So we can SERVE him and WORSHIP him. The way we were DESIGNED. There we have it. In those two verses – 74 and 75 – a summary of the whole message of the Bible!

Let’s look at it more closely. God rescues us so we might serve him WITHOUT FEAR. In HOLINESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS BEFORE HIM. ALL OUR DAYS. Firstly, our friendship with God is one WITHOUT FEAR. That’s fear of GOD, or anything ELSE. No FEAR of his JUDGMENT. And no need to fear ANYTHING ELSE EITHER. That’s not a guarantee that life will be pain free or trouble free. But God promises that those things needn’t SCARE us. Not even DEATH. Nor sickness, or poverty, or pain, loneliness, abandonment. None of it matters much. Because God has guaranteed that our FUTURE IS SECURE. It’s a truth you often see when a Christian’s in HOSPITAL. Facing surgery or even DEATH. Jesus conquered death. So death holds no fear for the one who trusts Jesus.

Secondly. God’s purpose in saving us is that we worship Him IN HOLINESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS BEFORE HIM. That means we’re RIGHT WITH GOD. Nothing standing in the way. No sin. No anger. No betrayal or broken trust. No long list of charges hanging over our head. The past is forgotten. God’s dealt with it all. Forgiven. And we stand before him/ with a completely clean record.

And then we begin to LIVE OUT that righteous status. Life LOOKS DIFFERENT for the Christian. Part of our WORSHIP is valuing God’s way of living/ in the mess of everyday temptations. Choosing honesty and truth and purity and gentleness and love. LIVING righteously / because God’s MADE us righteous.

And the third part is that it’s for ALL OUR DAYS. Eternity. God saves us FOREVER. Not “I’ll save you until the next time you slip up. Then you’re out.” But FOREVER. God’s salvation is so we can worship him/ without fear. In holiness and righteousness. All our days.

Doesn’t that sounds like a wonderful vision of life? That’s the big picture that’s been revealed to Zechariah. He missed the message the FIRST time the God revealed it. Not THIS time. He SEES it, with the help of God’s Holy Spirit. And he PRAISES GOD for his goodness and mercy and faithfulness.

3. About John

Finally. Zechariah moves onto JOHN HIMSELF. Verse 76 – “And YOU, my child” (Answering the question “What will this child be?) What part does JOHN play in this heavenly drama? V76. He’ll be A PROPHET FROM GOD, who’ll prepare the way for Jesus. And look at what his message involves. Verse 77.


That’s the same salvation Zechariah’s been talking about. God saving his people so that they can WORSHIP him. In holiness and righteousness. Salvation that comes through the FORGIVENESS OF OUR SINS. John will DECLARE it. We see, over in chapter 3, that he preaches a baptism of REPENTANCE for the FORGIVENESS of sin.

And God GRANTS forgiveness, v78, because of his TENDER MERCY. Which is where we BEGAN, back in v58, with Elizabeth’s friends sharing in her joy because of God’s great mercy to HER.

But far more than the baby JOHN. God’s tender mercy is seen in the giving of the baby JESUS. Who brings forgiveness and life and hope to the WORLD. That’s the message John gets to declare.

And Zechariah’s SEEN it. He’s been transformed from faithless silence to trusting joy. By the power of God’s Holy Spirit. And the coming of his Son.

And he’s a MODEL for US to follow. Will you join with Zechariah? God has shown us GREAT MERCY. Will you worship him, without fear, in holiness and righteousness, with great joy, all your days?

Luke 1:1-25: How can I be sure?

How can I be SURE? That’s the question being answered today. Specifically, to do with God answering prayer, and keeping his PROMISES. Can I TRUST him? It’s a question we often ask in OTHER areas of life. How can I be sure that website’s GENUINE? Is the weather forecast accurate? Is my doctor’s diagnosis CORRECT? Is my mechanic COMPETENT? Or TRUTHFUL? We want RELIABLE INFORMATION to make decisions. Because there’s often a lot at STAKE.

But far more important than all of these questions is whether GOD’s telling the truth. Can we be sure of what he says, in the Bible, about Jesus, and about death and judgment, and heaven and hell? Because it’s not just our possessions, or our money, or our health that we’re risking. But ETERNITY.

Now, perhaps you’re here today, and you’re not yet a Christian. Perhaps you’re still investigating, or still deciding. We’re glad you’re here! And we hope you’ll KEEP asking those questions. Today’s an ESPECIALLY good day for you to be here. Because it’s such an important question: How can you be sure?

But even if you ARE a Christian. (And that’s MOST of us.) It’s important that we TRUST GOD’S PROMISES. Because, every day, we make decisions based on how reliable we think God is. Costly obedience. Courage to step out in faith. Tough choices to put ONE thing first, rather than SOMETHING ELSE. WILL HE provide a way out of temptation? WILL HE never let me go? WILL he work all things for good? And what we’ll learn from these first verses of Luke is that God is ALWAYS trustworthy. He ALWAYS hears our prayers. He’ll NEVER let you down. And he wants us to KNOW that. So we’ll TRUST him.

How can I be SURE? That’s why Luke wrote his biography of Jesus. He wasn’t the FIRST to record the history. In fact, v1, MANY had already done just that. But, v3, Luke CAREFULLY INVESTIGATES. EVERYTHING. FROM THE BEGINNING. And then he writes AN ORDERLY ACCOUNT. His sources are accurate. His research is thorough. His writing is organised and systematic. And he does it all for Theophilus. Who was probably his PATRON. Who commissioned him to write it. Or at least SUPPORTED HIM FINANCIALLY while he wrote.

And what’s his GOAL? What does he hope Theophilus will GAIN from it? V4

so that you may KNOW THE CERTAINTY of the things you have been taught.

So that he’ll be SURE of what he’s believing in. Which isn’t the way people normally think about religious faith. They think you just have to believe DESPITE the evidence. That you don’t use your BRAIN. Don’t THINK. Just have FAITH.

But Christian faith is based on EVIDENCE. Examining the evidence, using your brain. And then making an informed decision. What’s THE MOST REASONABLE EXPLANATION for the evidence?. Christian faith is more like a judge examining the evidence in a trial, than a child believing in the tooth fairy. Jesus telling doubting Thomas to put his fingers into the holes in Jesus’ hands. Or Jesus healing the crippled man to PROVE he had authority to forgive sons.

God wants us to have a SOLID FOUNDATION for what we believe. Supported faith, not blind faith. Which is reassuring, isn’t it? Because there’ll be plenty of pressure to DOUBT, or GIVE UP, or BELIEVE SOMETHING ELSE.

And so we see from v5 the FRUIT of Luke’s careful research. The date marker is the time of King Herod of Judea. That’s Herod the Great, and he ruled, under Rome’s delegated authority, from 37BC to 4BC.

Herod might have been GREAT, but he very quickly steps out of the story. Half a verse is all the space he’s given. Of much more interest is Jesus. And how he fits into the big story of ISRAEL.

But Luke doesn’t BEGIN with Jesus. Or even John the Baptist. But with John’s FATHER, Zechariah. Second half of v5, Zechariah’s A PRIEST. And he and his wife Elizabeth are both descended from AARON, the original high priest. MOSES’ brother. Straight away, we’re thinking about the long history of God PROVIDING LEADERS TO SAVE HIS PEOPLE.

And Zechariah and Elizabeth weren’t just well-BORN, but they LIVED GOOD LIVES as well. Look at v6.

Both of them were UPRIGHT in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commandments and regulations blamelessly.

Blameless. But. … Here’s the complication. Verse 7.

But they had no children, because Elizabeth was barren; and they were both well along in years.

No kids. And there are two obstacles. Elizabeth is barren. AND they’re both old. So they’re not hopeful. They gave the baby clothes away YEARS ago. Converted the baby’s room into a guest bedroom. And it would have caused them plenty of heartache–even SHAME. Because, apart from missing out on the joy of kids, most people said being childless meant God was PUNISHING you.

And we’re reminded of OTHER childless couples from Israel’s history. Especially Abraham and Sarai, who were ALSO old. Then their son, Isaac, and his wife Rebekah. Then THEIR son, Jacob, and his wife Rachel. And also Hannah, who was barren, but gave birth to the prophet Samuel. But in EVERY CASE, God stepped in to ACT. He was faithful, and answered their prayers. And they had children.

But that’s all background – setting the scene. Because the action begins in v8. Zechariah’s on duty at the temple. It’s his shift. He’d been picked to burn the incense at the time of prayer. And as the smoke rises to heaven, so do the prayers of the people. He’s alone inside the holy place, and everyone else is outside. V10

“all the assembled worshippers were praying outside.”

Then all of a sudden, v11, he’s NOT alone. An ANGEL’S standing right there ON THE RIGHT SIDE of the altar. (A detail only an eyewitness would know. A detail that shows Luke researched THOROUGHLY. Checked his facts. Perhaps even spoke to Zechariah HIMSELF.) And when Zechariah sees the angel, he’s gripped with fear. (Which is pretty standard any time anyone sees an angel.) But the angel says, v13, Don’t be afraid! And then adds

Your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to give him the name John.

Now, we didn’t even know he’d BEEN praying. But if it’s the time of prayer, then it’s not surprising. But WHAT was he praying? It COULD have been for a baby. But I actually think from his reaction LATER, down in v18, that he’d STOPPED praying for a child. Perhaps DECADES ago. He’d GIVEN UP. So what was he praying? Perhaps the same thing as the people outside. They could have been praying about all sorts of things. But I think Luke mentions v10 – all the people outside praying – because he wants us thinking about A NATION’S prayers.

Israel was a nation UNDER OPPRESSION. This wasn’t their land. It was Roman. And Herod their King wasn’t even Jewish. A Roman appointment. Who’d come to power through treachery and bloodshed. And even the TEMPLE THEY PRAYED IN was built by Herod. Every time they came to pray they were REMINDED of their oppression. They were in the Promised Land, but it wasn’t theirs. Gentiles RULED them. Gentiles made the DECISIONS. Gentiles were growing rich by the fruit of their soil. And the sweat of their brow. So perhaps the prayers being offered that day were some of these: “When O Lord? When will you act? Where’s your Messiah? Rescue us from evil men!”

For example, over in chapter 2 we meet SIMEON, v25 of chapter 2, who was WAITING FOR THE CONSOLATION OF ISRAEL. And Anna, v38, who meets the baby Jesus, and spoke about him to ALL WHO WERE LOOKING FORWARD TO THE REDEMPTION OF JERUSALEM.

You see, THOSE are the prayers the people are praying. And THOSE are the prayers God’s answering. When the angel announces that JOHN will be born. Because John’s the start of God’s rescue plans. The starting pistol for the race. The support band before the headline act. He’s PREPARING THE WAY FOR JESUS.

The angel continues. V14.

14 He will be a joy and delight to you,

Which you’d expect for an old childless couple who’d give up hope. But not just Zechariah and Elizabeth…

and MANY will rejoice because of his birth,

Why would many rejoice at the birth of a baby? Because John was destined to be more than your average baby. Verse 15.

15 for he will be GREAT in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT EVEN FROM BIRTH.

Just like God’s great heroes of the past. Used by God for his purposes. EQUIPPED by God with his Holy Spirit. Like the judges, and prophets, and priests, and kings. He’ll be FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT. Perhaps even like SAMSON. Never taking wine. A MIGHTY man to rescue Israel from her enemies.

But it’s not a rescue with swords and spears. It’s REPENTANCE John will be fighting for. Look at verse 16.

Many of the people of Israel will he BRING BACK TO THE LORD THEIR GOD.

He’s getting people ready for the Lord. God is COMING. And John’s job is to make sure people are looking in the right direction when he gets there. Because they’ve had a long history of running the OTHER WAY. AWAY from God. In fact, that’s what WE ALL need to do with God. Turn back to him. Stop running AWAY from him. Ignoring him. And living as if WE were in charge. And let God be God. That’s what God’s calling YOU to do today.

The angel continues.


Which is quoting Malachi chapter 4. Almost the last verses of the Old Testament. Four hundred years old. A promise that God would send someone LIKE Elijah – another desert-dwelling, courageous, radical, proclaimer of God’s message – to come BEFORE the Lord arrives. And PREPARE people for him. Ready to welcome him.

Four hundred years is a long time to wait. Between God’s PROMISE, and him KEEPING his promise. A long time for Israel to KEEP PRAYING, and KEEP TRUSTING! How long have YOU been praying for your heart’s desire? For a baby, or a partner, or healing, or the salvation of a friend or family member? Ten years? Twenty? How about FOUR HUNDRED? But God ALWAYS keeps his promises. And FINALLY, he’s answered prayer, and Elizabeth will have a son. It’s AMAZING NEWS.

Well, how does Zechariah respond? Poor old Zechariah. It’s probably a bit much to take in. Verse 18.

Zechariah asked the angel, “How can I be SURE of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.”

There it is. The question LUKE’S interested in. “How can I be SURE?” It seems TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. The facts just seem to CONTRADICT it. I need some EXTRA EVIDENCE. Do you ever PRAY for something? And then are SURPRISED when God ANSWERS it? I’ve done that. Perhaps doesn’t say much for how much FAITH I had. But it DOES show that God isn’t STOPPED by our lack of faith.

So how does the angel answer Zechariah’s question? (His request for more evidence?) V19.


In other words, “What do you MEAN, ‘How can I be sure??!!’ LOOK at me! I’m delivering it straight from God himself. Isn’t that EVIDENCE ENOUGH!” And then there are CONSEQUENCES for his lack of faith. V20

{20} And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their proper time.”

Even though he’d kept all the commandments blamelessly. He didn’t TRUST God’s promise. And sure enough, when he comes out to greet the people, he can’t speak a word. V22. And we’ll see next week, by comparison, how MARY reacts when SHE receives similar news. She asks, v34, “How will this be?” (A similar question). But there’s still FAITH behind it. Because once it’s explained to her, she says (V38), “May it be to me as you have said.” In other words, That’s good enough for me. Bring it on! One NEGATIVE example about being sure, and one POSITIVE example.

And so Zechariah goes home. And sure enough, soon after, Elizabeth falls pregnant. SHE’S in no doubt about who gets the credit. Verse 25.

“THE LORD has done this for me,” she said. “In these days HE HAS SHOWN HIS FAVOUR and taken away my disgrace among the people.”

He’s been considerate by TAKING AWAY HER DISGRACE. Childlessness was shameful. And now, finally, God’s removed Elizabeth’s shame. And replaced it with A PREGNANCY. You’ll have to wait ‘til next week to find out how Elizabeth’s story finishes. But (spoiler alert) there’s not a lot of suspense. Because God ALWAYS KEEPS HIS PROMISES.

And God taking away her disgrace reminds us of ANOTHER promise God made. Not for a disgraced wife, but a disgraced NATION. Elizabeth is A MODEL IN MINIATURE for what God is doing FOR ISRAEL. In Isaiah 54 God is comforting Israel in exile. He’ll restore her, like a barren woman who gives birth. And her land will be filled with people again.

1 “Sing, O barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy… 3 For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities. 4 “Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood. 5 For your Maker is your husband–     the Lord Almighty is his name–the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer… 8 In a surge of anger I hid my face from you for a moment, but with everlasting kindness I will have compassion on you,” says the Lord your Redeemer.

God did this for Elizabeth. And he did it for Israel. And it’s all THROUGH JESUS.

And he’s doing it FOR HIS CHURCH. He’s faithful in saving his people, taking away their disgrace. and building his kingdom. He’s faithful in keeping his promises and answering our prayers. Even if, sometimes, we don’t really BELIEVE it.

Almost two years ago we started a consultation process with Reach Australia. They suggested that we set a target for how many people we wanted God to convert each year. And then, to put plans in place to help that happen. And so, we started to PRAY. But to be honest, I’m not sure I really BELIEVED that God would DO it.

But God is DOING it. New people are visiting church every week. And being intentionally welcomed and connected. And we’re running Christianity Explored courses. And people are making commitments, and becoming Christians. And joining the church.

And we SHOULDN’T be surprised, should we? Because God’s ALWAYS kept his promises, and answered the prayers of his people.

Be SURE of it!